Have something done

این مثال را بخوانید:

Study this example situation:


The roof of bill’s  house was damaged in a storm, so he arranged for a worker to repair it. Yesterday the came and did the job.


Bill had the roof repaired yesterday


این یعنی اینکه آن پسر خودش سقف خانه را تعمیر نکرده است.بلکه از شخص دیگری برای این کار در خواست کرده است. پس کس دیگری سقف را تعمیر کرده است.

This means: Bill didn’t repair the roof himself. He arranged someone else to do it for him.


Compare: Bill repaired the roof. (= he did it himself)

               Bill had the roof repaired. (= he arranged for someone else to do it.)


Now study these sentences:


Did Peggy design her business cards herself or did she have them designed?


Get something done is possible instead of have something done.

I think you should get your hair cut. ( = have your hair cut)



have something done sometimes has a different meaning. For example:


he had all his money stolen while he was on vacation.


This doesn’t mean that he arranged for somebody to steal his money.! It means that: “ all his money was stolen.”

With this meaning, we use have something done to say that something happened to someone: Jack had his nose broken in a fight.(= his nose was broken.)