Some historians say that Valentine's Day traditions began with the story of St. Valentine, who was a Christian martyr in the third century. While he was in jail before his execution, he became friends with the prison guard's daughter. Before they took him away, he wrote her a note to thank her for her friendship, and he signed it "With love from your Valentine."
سلام دوست عزیز . وبلاگ جالبی دارید .
براتون آرزوی موفقیت دارم .
پیروز باشید.
ببین من نمی خوام رای بدم ؛ بیخود از فک و فامیلتون تبلیغ نکن. شعار من اینه ( شرکت در انتخابات خیانت خیانت)
سلام دوست عزیز
بهتره دقت کنین که اون تبلیغات مال بلاگ اسکای هستش و نمی تونم حذفش کنم.
به هرحال خیلی خوشحال شدم که نظر دادین. باز هم منتظر نظرات شما هستم.
He has a good fortune because of true love and not exprience such the love that I miss!!!! If something similar me happened for him that time, I support that no body notice to the seremony just for LOVE!
به به.....#-o
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