tab somebody in the back
to do something that harms someone who likes and trusts you.
Synonym Betray
از پشت به کسی خنجر زدن
He seems friendly, but he wouldn't hesitate to stab you in the back if he thought it would help him get your job.
آموزش زبان انگلیسی
برای تماس با بنده به آدرس زیر ایمیل بزنید.
‘Mate’ – one of the commonly used terms of endearment and affection in British slang terms. Used when you are talking to a close friend, and is often easily substituted for the American ‘buddy’, ‘pal’, or ‘dude’.
For example, ‘Alright, mate?’
‘Bugger all’ – a British slang term used to be a more vulgar synonym for ‘nothing at all’.
For example, ‘I’ve had bugger all to do all day.’
‘Knackered’ – a great word and phrase used by Britons to describe their tiredness and exhaustion, in any given situation. Often substituted in friendly circles for ‘exhausted’.
For example, ‘I am absolutely knackered after working all day.’
‘Gutted’ – a British slang term that is one of the saddest on the lists in terms of pure contextual emotion. To be ‘gutted’ about a situation means to be devastated and saddened.
For example, ‘His girlfriend broke up with him. He’s absolutely gutted.’
‘Gobsmacked’ – a truly British expression meaning to be shocked and surprised beyond belief. The expression is believed by some to come literally from ‘gob’ (a British expression for mouth), and the look of shock that comes from someone hitting it.
For example. ‘I was gobsmacked when she told me she was pregnant with triplets.’
‘Cock up’ – a British slang term that is far from the lewdness its name suggests. A ‘cock up’ is a mistake, a failure of large or epic proportions.
For example, ‘The papers sent out to the students were all in the wrong language – it’s a real cock up.’ Also, ‘I cocked up the orders for table number four.’
‘Blinding’ – a slang term that is far from something that physically causes someone to lose their sight. ‘Blinding’ is a positive term meaning excellent, great, or superb.
For example, ‘That tackle from the Spanish player was blinding.’
‘Lost the plot’ is one that can actually be discerned by examining the words themselves. To ‘lose the plot’ can mean either to become angry and/or exasperated to a fault, or in a derogatory – if slightly outdated sense – to mean someone who has become irrational and/or acting ridiculously.
For example, ‘When my girlfriend saw the mess I’d made, she lost the plot.’
‘Cheers’ doesn’t quite have the same meaning that it does in other counties – of course, it still means ‘celebrations’ when toasting a drink with some friends, but in British slang, it also means ‘thanks’ or ‘thank you’.
For example, ‘Cheers for getting me that drink, Steve’.
‘Ace’ – a British slang term that means something that is brilliant or excellent. Can also mean to pass something with flying colors.
For example, ‘Jenny is ace at the lab experiments’, or, for the latter definition, ‘I think I aced that exam’.
More of an usual term, a ‘damp squib’ in British slang terms refers to something which fails on all accounts, coming from the ‘squib’ (an explosive), and the propensity for them to fail when wet.
For example, ‘The party was a bit of a damp squib because only Richard turned up.’
Slightly more of an outdated version, this British slang term is still used, and its meaning remains relevant today. ‘All to pot’ refers to a situation going out of your control and failing miserably.
For example, ‘The birthday party went all to pot when the clown turned up drunk and everyone was sick from that cheap barbecue stuff.’
The bee’s knees – a rather lovely term used to describe someone or something you think the world of.
For example, ‘She thinks Barry’s the bee’s knees’. Can also be used sarcastically in this same sense.
Not a wonderfully melodic word, ‘chunder’ is part and parcel of British slang terms. Meaning ‘to vomit’ or ‘to be sick’, ‘chunder’ is almost always used in correlation with drunken nights, or being hugely ill and sick.
For example, ‘I ate a bad pizza last night after too many drinks and chundered in the street.’
Given the British tendency to mock and satirise anything and everything possible, ‘taking the piss’ is in fact one of the most popular and widely-used British slang terms. To ‘take the piss’ means to mock something, parody something, or generally be sarcastic and derisive towards something.
For example, ‘The guys on TV last night were taking the piss out of the government again.’
Perhaps one of the most internationally famous British slang terms, ‘bollocks’ has a multitude of uses, although its top ones including being a curse word used to indicate dismay, e.g. ‘Oh bollocks'; it can also be used to express derision and mocking disbelief, e.g. ‘You slept with Kate Upton last night? Bollocks…'; and, of course, it also refers to the scrotum and testicles.
For example, ‘I kicked him right in the bollocks when he wouldn’t let me go past.’
‘Fortnight’ – a British slang term more commonly used by virtually everyone in the UK to mean ‘a group of two weeks’.
For example, ‘I’m going away for a fortnight to Egypt for my summer holiday.’
Very different to the ‘bollocks’ of the previous suggestion, a ‘bollocking’ is a telling-off or a severe or enthusiastic reprimand from a boss, co-worker, partner, or anyone you like, for a misdemeanour.
For example, ‘My wife gave me a real bollocking for getting to pick up the dry cleaning on my way home from work.’
‘Nice one’ – used almost always sarcastically in common British lexicon, although it can be used sincerely depending on the context.
For example, ‘You messed up the Rutherford order? Nice one, really.’
A more obscure British term, ‘brass monkeys’ is used to refer to extremely cold weather. The phrase comes from the expression, ‘it’s cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey’.
For example, ‘You need to wear a coat today, it’s brass monkeys outside.’
In British slang terms, ‘dodgy’ refers to something wrong, illegal, or just plain ‘off’, in one way or another.
For example, it can be used to mean illegal – ‘He got my dad a dodgy watch for Christmas'; it can be used to mean something food-related that is nauseous or nauseating – ‘I had a dodgy kebab last night and I don’t feel right.; and it can also be used as a pejorative – ‘He just seems dodgy to me.’
One of the more delightful British slang terms in this list, ‘scrummy’ is used as a wonderfully effusive term for when something is truly delicious and mouth-wateringly good.
For example, ‘Mrs Walker’s pie was absolutely scrummy. I had three pieces.’
Another rather delightful and slightly archaic words in this list of British slang terms is ‘kerfuffle’. ‘Kerfuffle’ describes a skirmish or a fight or an argument caused by differing views.
For example, ‘I had a right kerfuffle with my girlfriend this morning over politics.’
A nifty little British term that means ‘rubbish’ or ‘crap’.
For example, ‘That’s a load of tosh about what happened last night’, or ‘Don’t talk tosh.’
One of the more boring and technical terms on this list, a ‘car park’ is in effect, the place outside or attached to a building where people park their cars. The British equivalent to the American ‘parking lot’ or ‘parking garage’.
For example, ‘I left my car in the car park this morning.’
‘Skive’ – a British slang term used to indicate when someone has failed to turn up for work or an obligation due to pretending to fake illness. Most commonly used with schoolchildren trying to get out of school, or dissatisfied office workers trying to pull a sick day.
For example, ‘He tried to skive off work but got caught by his manager.’
One of the most commonly-used British phrases, ‘rubbish’ is used to mean both general waste and trash, and to also express disbelief in something to the point of ridicule (in this sense it is a much-more PG-friendly version of ‘bollocks’.)
For example, it can be used respectively, in, ‘Can you take the rubbish out please?’, and ‘What? Don’t talk rubbish.’
Oh, ‘wanker’. Possibly the best British insult on the list, it fits a certain niche for a single-worded insult to lobbied out in a moment of frustration, anger, provocation, or, of course, as a jest amongst friends. ‘Wanker’ fits the closest fit by ‘jerk’ or ‘asshole’, but to a slightly higher value.
For example, ‘That guy just cut me up in traffic – what a wanker.’
‘Hunky-dory’ – a neat little piece of British slang that means that a situation is okay, cool, or normal.
For example, ‘Yeah, everything’s hunky-dory at the office.’
The last, but most certainly not least, term on this list, ‘brilliant’ is not a word exclusively in the British lexicon, but has a very British usage. Specifically, when something is exciting or wonderful, particularly when something is good news, ‘brilliant’ can mean as such.
For example, ‘You got the job? Oh, mate, that’s brilliant.’
Meaning: If something will be the way it is "for the time being", it will be that way for a limited period of time only.
For example:
This one opens a big can of worms. “Who” is a subjective — or nominative — pronoun, along with "he," "she," "it," "we," and "they." It’s used when the pronoun acts as the subject of a clause. “Whom” is an objective pronoun, along with "him," "her," "it", "us," and "them." It’s used when the pronoun acts as the object of a clause. Using “who” or “whom” depends on whether you’re referring to the subject or object of a sentence. When in doubt, substitute “who” with the subjective pronouns “he” or “she,” e.g., Who loves you? cf., He loves me.Similarly, you can also substitute “whom” with the objective pronouns “him” or “her.” e.g., I consulted an attorney whom I met in New York. cf., I consulted him.
This is one of the most common mistakes out there, and understandably so. “That” is a restrictive pronoun. It’s vital to the noun to which it’s referring. e.g., I don’t trust fruits and vegetables that aren’t organic. Here, I’m referring to all non-organic fruits or vegetables. In other words, I only trust fruits and vegetables that are organic. “Which” introduces a relative clause. It allows qualifiers that may not be essential. e.g., I recommend you eat only organic fruits and vegetables, which are available in area grocery stores. In this case, you don’t have to go to a specific grocery store to obtain organic fruits and vegetables. “Which” qualifies, “that” restricts. “Which” is more ambiguous however, and by virtue of its meaning is flexible enough to be used in many restrictive clauses. e.g., The house, which is burning, is mine. e.g., The house that is burning is mine.
This is the crown jewel of all grammatical errors. “Lay” is a transitive verb. It requires a direct subject and one or more objects. Its present tense is “lay” (e.g., I lay the pencil on the table) and its past tense is “laid” (e.g.,Yesterday I laid the pencil on the table). “Lie” is an intransitive verb. It needs no object. Its present tense is “lie” (e.g., The Andes mountains lie between Chile and Argentina) and its past tense is “lay” (e.g., The man lay waiting for an ambulance). The most common mistake occurs when the writer uses the past tense of the transitive “lay” (e.g., I laid on the bed) when he/she actually means the intransitive past tense of “lie" (e.g., I lay on the bed).
Contrary to common misuse, “moot” doesn’t imply something is superfluous. It means a subject is disputable or open to discussion. e.g., The idea that commercial zoning should be allowed in the residential neighborhood was a moot point for the council.
They’re similar, but there’s a difference. “Continual” means something that's always occurring, with obvious lapses in time. “Continuous” means something continues without any stops or gaps in between. e.g., The continual music next door made it the worst night of studying ever. e.g., Her continuous talking prevented him from concentrating.
The word “envy” implies a longing for someone else’s good fortunes. “Jealousy” is far more nefarious. It’s a fear of rivalry, often present in sexual situations. “Envy” is when you covet your friend’s good looks. “Jealousy” is what happens when your significant other swoons over your good-looking friend.
“Nor” expresses a negative condition. It literally means "and not." You’re obligated to use the “nor” form if your sentence expresses a negative and follows it with another negative condition. “Neither the men nor the women were drunk” is a correct sentence because “nor” expresses that the women held the same negative condition as the men. The old rule is that “nor” typically follows “neither,” and “or” follows “either.” However, if neither “either” nor “neither” is used in a sentence, you should use “nor” to express a second negative, as long as the second negative is a verb. If the second negative is a noun, adjective, or adverb, you would use “or,” because the initial negative transfers to all conditions. e.g., He won’t eat broccoli or asparagus. The negative condition expressing the first noun (broccoli) is also used for the second (asparagus).
“May” implies a possibility. “Might” implies far more uncertainty. “You may get drunk if you have two shots in ten minutes” implies a real possibility of drunkenness. “You might get a ticket if you operate a tug boat while drunk” implies a possibility that is far more remote. Someone who says “I may have more wine” could mean he/she doesn't want more wine right now, or that he/she “might” not want any at all. Given the speaker’s indecision on the matter, “might” would be correct.
Many writers seem to assume that “whether” is interchangeable with “if." It isn’t. “Whether” expresses a condition where there are two or more alternatives. “If” expresses a condition where there are no alternatives. e.g., I don’t know whether I’ll get drunk tonight. e.g., I can get drunk tonight if I have money for booze.
“Less” is reserved for hypothetical quantities. “Few” and “fewer” are for things you can quantify. e.g., The firm has fewer than ten employees. e.g., The firm is less successful now that we have only ten employees.
The word “farther” implies a measurable distance. “Further” should be reserved for abstract lengths you can't always measure. e.g., I threw the ball ten feet farther than Bill. e.g., The financial crisis caused further implications.
“Since” refers to time. “Because” refers to causation. e.g., Since I quit drinking I’ve married and had two children. e.g., Because I quit drinking I no longer wake up in my own vomit.
Contrary to popular usage, these words aren’t synonymous. A “disinterested” person is someone who’s impartial. For example, a hedge fund manager might take interest in a headline regarding the performance of a popular stock, even if he's never invested in it. He’s “disinterested,” i.e., he doesn’t seek to gain financially from the transaction he’s witnessed. Judges and referees are supposed to be "disinterested." If the sentence you’re using implies someone who couldn't care less, chances are you’ll want to use “uninterested.”
Unless you’re frightened of them, you shouldn’t say you’re “anxious to see your friends.” You’re actually “eager,” or "excited." To be “anxious” implies a looming fear, dread or anxiety. It doesn’t mean you’re looking forward to something.
This is a tough one. Words like “rather” and “faster” are comparative adjectives, and are used to show comparison with the preposition “than,” (e.g., greater than, less than, faster than, rather than). The adjective “different” is used to draw distinction. So, when “different” is followed by a preposition, it should be “from,” similar to “separate from,” “distinct from,” or “away from.” e.g., My living situation in New York was different from home. There are rare cases where “different than” is appropriate, if “than” operates as a conjunction. e.g.,Development is different in New York than in Los Angeles. When in doubt, use “different from.”
In order to employ proper usage of “bring” or “take,” the writer must know whether the object is being moved toward or away from the subject. If it is toward, use “bring.” If it is away, use “take.” Your spouse may tell you to “take your clothes to the cleaners.” The owner of the dry cleaners would say “bring your clothes to the cleaners.”
It isn't a word. "Impact" can be used as a noun (e.g., The impact of the crash was severe) or a transitive verb (e.g., The crash impacted my ability to walk or hold a job). "Impactful" is a made-up buzzword, colligated by the modern marketing industry in their endless attempts to decode the innumerable nuances of human behavior into a string of mindless metrics. Seriously, stop saying this.
Here’s a trick to help you remember: “Affect” is almost always a verb (e.g., Facebook affects people’s attention spans), and “effect” is almost always a noun (e.g., Facebook's effects can also be positive). “Affect” means to influence or produce an impression — to cause hence, an effect. “Effect” is the thing produced by the affecting agent; it describes the result or outcome. There are some exceptions. “Effect” may be used as a transitive verb, which means to bring about or make happen. e.g., My new computer effected a much-needed transition from magazines to Web porn. There are similarly rare examples where “affect” can be a noun. e.g., His lack of affect made him seem like a shallow person.
Too many people claim something is the former when they actually mean the latter. For example, it’s not “ironic” that “Barbara moved from California to New York, where she ended up meeting and falling in love with a fellow Californian.” The fact that they’re both from California is a "coincidence." "Irony" is the incongruity in a series of events between the expected results and the actual results. "Coincidence" is a series of events that appear planned when they’re actually accidental. So, it would be "ironic" if “Barbara moved from California to New York to escape California men, but the first man she ended up meeting and falling in love with was a fellow Californian.”
Undoubtedly the most common mistake I encounter. Contrary to almost ubiquitous misuse, to be “nauseous” doesn’t mean you’ve been sickened: it actually means you possess the ability to produce nausea in others. e.g., That week-old hot dog is nauseous. When you find yourself disgusted or made ill by a nauseating agent, you are actually “nauseated.” e.g., I was nauseated after falling into that dumpster behind the Planned Parenthood. Stop embarrassing yourself.
دوستان عزیزم
ممنونم بابت کامنت های پرمهرتون
عزیزان دل:
سوالی میپرسید در کامنت ها و
ادرس ایمیلی نمیزارین من چطوری بهتون جواب بدم؟
برای شرکت در کلاسها و دوره های آموزشی خصوصی لطفا ایمیل بزنین
ask for (someone's) hand in marriage
- to ask someone to marry you
dating his girlfriend for several years, the man finally asked for her hand in
attracted to (someone)
- to feel a physical or emotional attraction to someone, to be interested in someone in a romantic way
was attracted to the woman at the party from the moment that I first met her.
LLE_english{@} yahoo{.} com
با همین ایمیل در فیس بوک میتونین منو پیدا کنین و اد کنین
سلام به شماهایی که تا حالا ندیدمتون
کاش میشد همه ی خوانندگان این وبلاگ رو یه جا جمع کرد و با همدیگه از نزدیک آشنا بشیم...
کلاس زبان فرانسه هم بالاخره تموم شد...مهر 88 شروع کردم و تابستان 91 تموم شد
ظاهرا تو یادگیری زبان های خارجی استعداد دارم ...
برا تابستون هم آلمانی ثبت نام کردم...اسپانیایی هم دوست دارم اما دیدم مدرس زبان آلمانی native هست گفتم اول برم کلاس آلمانی
سوالای زیادی پرسیده بودین ...
ساکن تبریز هستم پس کلاس خصوصی ، کنکورفقط برا تبریزی ها امکان پذیره
راستی بازم میگم هرکی دوست داره اعلام آمادگی کنه دعوتنامه بفرستم عضو وبلاگ میشه و میتونه اینجا بنویسه ...
این وبلاگ متعلق به همه شماست.
لحظه هاتون به شیرینیه عسل.
![]() |
Tell me who you go with and I'll tell you who you are. |
A collocation is two or more words that often go together. These combinations just sound "right" to native English speakers, who use them all the time. On the other hand, other combinations may be unnatural and just sound "wrong". Look at these examples:
Natural English... | Unnatural English... |
the fast train fast food |
the |
a quick shower a quick meal |
a a |
There are several different types of collocation made from combinations of verb, noun, adjective etc. Some of the most common types are:
وبلاگ 10 ساله شد
باورم نمیشه 10 سال پیش وقتی 15 ساله بودم اینجا شروع به کار کردم.
10 سال ...مدت کمی نیس....
وقتی بچه بودم هر وقت ازم می پرسیدن میخوای وقتی بزرگ شدی چیکاره بشی هیچوقت اون زمان دلم نمیخواست معلم بشم...همیشه میگفتم میخوام خلبان بشم...الانم دوست دارم خلبان بشم...اما ...
میخوام خلبان بشم...مهندس کامپیوتر....باستان شناس....موسیقیدان...
ولی خب هیچکدوم از اینا نشد...
بعضی وقتا برا رسیدن به آرزوها فقط تلاش و پشتکار لازم نیس...
عنصر سومی به نام پول هم هست...
و الان من:
لیسانس مترجمی
آموزشگاه زبان فرانسه هم خوندم
انگلیسی تدریس میکنم
حقوقم خیلی کمی... اما از تدریس واقعا خوشم میاد...
و آرزو بر جوانان عیب نیس...
آرزوم اینه برم استرالیا ...
ادامه تحصیل...
و دوست دارم موسیقی و ادبیات هم بخونم...
خدا به بعضی ها اونقدر پول داده که نمیدونن چطور خرجش کنن..
بعضی ها هم تا آخر ماه هر روز حساب کتاب میکنن که کم نیارن...
I'm Glad I'm Me
No one looks
The way I do.
No one walks the way I walk.
No one talks the way I talk.
No one plays the way I play.
No one says the things I say.
I am special.
I am me.
She Walks In BeautyShe walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellow'd to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
One shade more, one ray less,
Had half impair'd the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express
How pure, how dear their dwelling place.
And on that cheek, and o'er that brow
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!
Lord Byron 1788-1824
این شعر رو ترجمه کنید.بهترین ترجمه به نام خود مترجم در وبلاگ منتشر خواهد شد.