I'm not one of those people who live in a life of dreams or one of those who keep daydreaming about impossibles. I'm one of those people who use logical deduction to explore the world round. Although I'm this kind, I'm going to share a bad but memorable story of mine with you.
It all starts from a simple daydream. Once when I took a bus to work; I saw an old man who was daydreaming. I made him an object of ridicule among the people on the bus by poking fun at his funny posture. That night when I went to bed, I had a weird dream about what I hadn't known. First of all I was trudging my way through the quick sands of an endless desert. The hot wind sighed heavily in my ears. After a long exhausting walk on the sands; the hot weather winded me and made me stand still for a moment. While I was catching my breath, I tried to peep through the sunlit sands which were swinging in the hot air of that desert. I saw something. Yes! I saw something. There was something there. I ran to what was supposed to be an oasis, sadly it was nothing but a mirage. While I was left destitute in midst of a vast desert I saw a savior! A man in white. A man between a camel's humps who came and gave me a hand.
In the next morning I didn't pay any attention to what I had seen. I said it was just a dream. It wasn't important enough to me to spend my time on. Some months passed and nothing happened until a day when I was travelling between the states for work I found out that I have a flat tire. When I got out fixing it I realized what I couldn't believe; all the tires were punctured and I had only one spare. I looked around to find a help but I was in the middle of nowhere. There were only farms and trees as far as you could see. No man, no life and even no living creature. I tried to call for help but my cell's battery was dead. It was just when I burst a vessel and decided to move the car on flat tires. I did so after some miles I lost the control and hit a tree. Now that I didn't have any beacon of hope to rescue myself, I was forced to wait for somebody to come and rescue me. I went out to take a walk. It was like a dead byway. I decided to roam around to see if there is anybody there or not. As I was walking carefully in a jungle like road as noticed bird which were chirping, trees which were rustling in the winds, gleams if Light which was flickering among the wind, sun which was spreading it's light generously on the universe. And to sum up I saw the world living beside me, I saw what I didn't until now. As I was deep down in my thoughts suddenly I found myself; and picked myself up. I got nothing to do but getting back to the car and waiting for the world to offer me a solution. I did so. As I was in my car all alone, hungry, thirsty, and fed up I started thinking. Thinking about my life, about my past and my action. The second day it was the same story. I had dozens of sobering thoughts crashing into my mind and reminding me of my mistakes about my beliefs and way of living. It was then, when I found myself an exile in my own country, it was just the time, when the most arrogant man's eyes filled with tears. Tears of shame, tears for a long lost life, for lost opportunities and it was when I shed tears for the very first time in my life. It was the very first time when I talked to my God and ask him for some help, it was. That night I had the same dream I did some months ago. In the morning I felt free like birds in the sky, powerful like sharks in the oceans, strong like bears in Antarctica, patient like a tree which keeps thousands of birds in itself. It was all because I had heard a voice in me which whispers 'God will never forget you'. Oh! What a nice voice it was. After two or three hours a car was passing there offered me a ride which I took gratefully while I was pondering on my invaluable experience.
با درود خدمت همه دوستان عزیزم
شرمنده یه کوچولو بیزی هستم.برا همین دیر به دیر آپ میکنم.
And all that jazz
This idiom means that everything related or similar is included.
Bells on
(USA) To be somewhere with bells on means to arrive there happy and delighted to attend.
Blow your own horn
If you blow your own horn, you boast about your achievements and abilities. ('Blow your own trumpet' is an alternative form.)
Blow your own trumpet
If someone blows their own trumpet, they boast about their talents and achievements. ('Blow your own horn' is an alternative form.)
Call the tune
The person who calls the tune makes the important decisions about something.
Change your tune
If someone changes their ideas or the way they talk about them, they change their tune.
Clear as a bell
If something is as clear as a bell, it is very clear or easy to understand.
Face the music
If you have to face the music, you have to accept the negative consequences of something you have done wrong.
Fiddle while Rome burns
If people are fiddling while Rome burns, they are wasting their time on futile things while problems threaten to destroy them.
Fine tuning
Small adjustments to improve something or to get it working are called fine tuning.
Fit as a fiddle
If you are fit as a fiddle, you are in perfect health.
For a song
If you buy or sell something for a song, it is very cheap.
It takes two to tango
This idiom is used to suggest that when things go wrong, both sides are involved and neither side is completely innocent.
March to the beat of your own drum
If people march to the beat of their own drum, they do things the way they want without taking other people into consideration.
Music to my ears
If something someone says is music to your ears, it is exactly what you had wanted to hear.
Play by ear
If you play by ear, you deal with something in an impromptu manner, without guidelines or rules. It refers to playing music without using written notation.
Play second fiddle
If you play second fiddle, you take a subordinate role behind someone more important.
Pull out all the stops
If you pull out all the stops, you do everything you possibly can to achieve the result you want.
See you on the big drum
A good night phrase to children.
Strike a chord
If strikes a chord, it is familiar to you, reminds you of something or is connected to you somehow.
Toot you own horn
If someone toot their own horn, they like to boast about their achievements.
Whistle for it
If someone says that you can whistle for something, they are determined to ensure that you don't get it.
Whistle-stop tour
A whistle-stop tour is when someone visits a number of places quickly, not stopping for long.
Whistling Dixie
(USA) If someone is whistling Dixie, they talk about things in a more positive way than the reality.
Whistling in the dark
If someone is whistling in the dark, they believe in a positive result, even though everybody else is sure it will not happen.
You can't unring a bell
This means that once something has been done, you have to live with the consequences as it can't be undone.