ارسال SMS تبریک سال جدید را تحریم کنیم
شرکت مخابرات به بهانه حمایت از الفبای فارسی (که در واقع عربی است) هزینه SMS با حروف لاتین را از 14 تومان به 23 تومان در سال جدید افزایش داده است. تعداد SMSهای ارسالی روزانه در مواقع عادی 70 میلیون برآورد شده است و انتظار میرود که 180 میلیون SMS فقط در شب سالنو فرستاده شود. به قیمت سال پیش (14 تومان) یعنی:
180,000,000 * 14 = 2,250,000,000
تومان فقط در یک شب.
اما شرکت مخابرات به این هم راضی نیست و قیمت را به 23 تومان افزایش داده است. پس بیایید همه باهم اس ام اس را در شب سال جدید تحریم کنیم.
این ایمیل را به دوستان خود بفرستید و برای افرادی که از ایمیل استفاده نمیکنند درصورت امکان پرینت بگیرید و خبر دهید تا بدین وسیله جلوی سوء استفاده از حقوق مردم گرفته شود.
به یاد داشته باشید که حق گرفتی است نه دادنی!
با تحریم SMS سال نو، شعور اجتماعی خود و اتحادمان را نشان دهیم.
ادامه مطلب ...
English idioms relating to
Afraid of one's own shadow
A person who is afraid of their own shadow is very nervous
or easily frightened.
"I've never seen anyone so easily scared - she's afraid of her
own shadow."
Bundle of nerves
If you describe somebody as a bundle of nerves, you mean that
they are very nervous, tense or worried.
"My son is doing his driving test today. Needless to say he's a bundle
of nerves!"
Have butterflies in your stomach
If you have butterflies in your stomach, you are feeling very nervous.
"At the beginning of an exam, I always have butterflies in my stomach."
Like a cat on hot bricks
A person who is like a cat on hot bricks is very nervous or restless.
"The week before the results were published, she was like a cat on
hot bricks."
On the edge of one's seat
Someone who is on the edge of their seat is very interested in
something and finds it both extremely exciting and nerve-wracking.
"Look at Bob! He's on the edge of his seat watching that rugby match."
Screw up>Slang
To make a major mistake. Completely mismanage or mishandle a situation
1) Tom screwed up the whole project, and now we're four weeks behind schedule.
This phrase comes from World War II US Army slang.
One who makes mistakes regularly; a failure. (Usually written as 'screw-up' when used as a noun.)
1) Be careful when you're dealing with Charlie -- he's a real screw-up.
When you are a caller
-- Hello?
-- Is that John?
-- Can I speak to John?
-- May I speak to John?
When you are a receiver
-- This is John speaking, who's that?
-- Who's speaking please?
-- Who's calling please?
When you ask the caller to wait
-- One moment please.
-- Just a minute please.
-- Hold on please.
-- Hang on please
When you ask the caller to leave messages
-- Can you leave the message?
-- Can I take your message?
-- Would you like to leave a message?
-- Would you like him/her to call you back?
When calling the wrong number
-- I'm afraid you got the wrong number
-- Sorry, I think you reach the wrong number
When asking the receiver to transfer the line
-- Can I have extension 1234 please?
-- Could you please transfer the line to Mr. John please?
When finish talking
-- Nice talking to you
-- Talk to you later