اول سلام.ببخشید دیگه فرصت نمیکنم به موقع آپدیت کنم.به قول علی(پژمان بازغی) در سایه آفتاب "دیگه دیگه" .
دوم اینکه کامپیوتر درست شد.مشکل رو جناب آقای داداش بزرگ حل کرد.اطلاعات از دست نرفت.خدایا شکرت.
سوم 10 تا ضرب المثل توپ براتون آماده کردم.ببینید زبان آموزان عزیز برای یادگیری اصطلاحات و ضرب المثل های انگلیسی باید اونها را حفظ کنید.به همین راحتی. حفظ کنید و در جملات خودتون اونا را به کار ببرید.
در ضمن نمیدونم در طی این یک سالی که در این وب لاگ مینویسم چقدر مفید بوده است یا نه؟ خواهش میکنم نظراتتون را بگین.رک و راست.بگین دوست دارین بیشتر در چه مواردی اموزش ببینید.چه چیزهایی را تا بحال یاد گرفتید و چه چیزهایی را یاد نگرفتید.؟ چه چیزهایی رو دوست دارید یاد بگیرید.؟ فعلا با اجازه.
Good luck.
Proverbsضرب المثل های انگلیسی√
1) It takes two to tango
Meaning: when two people work as a team, they are both responsible for the team’s successes and failures.
2) An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Meaning: eating an apple every day helps a person to stay healthy.
3) Do as I say, not as I do
Meaning: follow my advice, but don’t follow my example.
4) If you can’t beat them, join them
Meaning: if you can’t defeat your opponent, join forces with them.
5) Money does not grow on trees
Meaning: Money is not easily obtained
6) Don’t put all your Eggs in one basket
Meaning: Don’t risk losing everything at once
7) Don’t put all your Eggs in one basket
Meaning: don’t risk losing everything at once
8) No pain, No Gain
Meaning: Nothing can be accomplished without effort
9) You are never too old to learn
Meaning: a person can learn at any age
10) Practice makes perfect
Meaning: doing something many times improve one’s skill at it
مقاله زیر در مورد سرطان است.بخونید . اگر مشکلی در فهم آن(لغت ها) داشتید در گروه یاهو این وب لاگ میتونید راهنمایی بخواهید.اگر من خودم هم فرصت نکنم سایرین میتونن راهنماییتون کنن.
Author: Dr Beckie Lang
Although many factors are associated with an increased risk of cancer, it's estimated that 30 per cent of all cancers may be the result of our diet. Here are some tips to help you to reduce your risk.
Achieve and maintain a healthy weight
Obesity is associated with a marked increase in colorectal cancer, and some hormone-dependent cancers, such as breast and endometrial cancers.
Eat more fruit and vegetables
At least five portions of fruit and veg a day can reduce the risk of many different types of cancer. The exact reason for this is unknown, but it may be related to their fibre content, vitamins and minerals, other plant chemicals such as flavonoids, or the combination of all these nutrients. Vitamin and mineral supplements may be a useful addition to the diet for some people, but they aren't a substitute for fresh fruits and vegetables.
Eat more fibre
On average, most people need to eat about 50 per cent more fibre than they currently do to meet the recommended intake of 18g per day. Fibre is important to increase stool weight, which enables waste to pass easily from the body. Cancer of the large bowel is the second most prevalent cancer in the UK, affecting one in eight people. By increasing stool weight by 25 per cent, the incidence of this disease could be reduced by up to 15 per cent in Britain.
Eat less fat
A high-fat diet is linked to an increased risk of colorectal cancer. (See the advice on fat intake in the cardiovascular section).
Drink alcohol in moderation
Excessive intake of alcohol has been linked with an increased risk of cancer of the mouth, liver and throat. Limit your intake to no more than two to three units a day.