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Know Why IELTS Test is Essential Applicants Seeking Immigration Or to Study Abroad? |
Speak to a person contemplating immigration or study overseas and ask them to point out one required step in the entire screening process that they would like to skip. Most of them are bound to answer that they would prefer to escape the IELTS test, if possible. This is because IELTS test not only adds on additional expenses to their immigration procedure but also requires them to devote a good amount of time for the preparation of the test. In immigration to certain destinations and under some specific programs, like Australia General skilled migration program, the immigration programs require that both the principal applicant and their spouse appear for the IELTS test as well. While this makes the Immigration process more expensive and tougher, what applicants do not realize is the fact that IELTS test is only for their benefit. Read further and find out how?
Is it unfair?
There are applicants who excel in the occupational field of their specialization and find it unfair that the decision on their immigration application is not dependent on their occupational excellence alone but also on their language skills. This is based on the observation that others who might have not achieved the same level of occupational excellence as theirs but have fluency in the English language are granted the immigration visa easily.
Students planning to study overseas have the same concerns. In their opinion, the deciding factor for course and university selection should be the marks scored by them at their school or university level and IELTS puts them at a disadvantage to others who have better language skills.
Importance of IELTS test
So why has the IELTS test become such an integral part of the immigration applications for almost all Immigration destinations and programs? And why are the applicants made to undergo the strenuous IELTS preparation process and spend huge amount of funds in undergoing these tests? More importantly, what we need to think about is, why is it that no options are provided for applicants who are unable to qualify through this test?
Earlier system of assessing English language skills
The reason is that English language skills have always been a key selection criterion under the points based system, from the very start. In the past the Immigration officers used to take one-to-one interview to judge the English language skills of the applicant and decide how many points they would like to credit to the applicant.
But this kind of system created animosities and unfair situations, for both Visa processing office and immigration applicants. There are several reasons why this system of evaluation of language skills of the applicants is replaced by the IELTS test.
Firstly, the immigration processing delays soared high as the visa officers must take all interviews on an individual basis to take the decision about each of the applicant. When seen in context of queues of thousands of applicants, this meant years of additional processing delays. Secondly, this made the language skills assessment highly subjective as it was based on understanding of the visa officer conducting the interview.
Also, in conducting such one to one interviews, the Immigrant applicant could not be tested for all key areas of language proficiency that includes Understanding, Reading, speaking and listening.
Introduction of IELTS
Need was therefore felt for an objective test that was internationally acceptable, standardized benchmark and assessment tool. Standardization was very important so as to provide equal opportunity to all applicants. Thus, IELTS became an integral part of the immigration process and applications, especially for skilled professionals, independent immigration, General skilled Migrant and in some cases Green card visa applications as well. IELTS test is thereby based on evaluating applicant's skills in all four components of the language, including speaking, listening, understanding and reading.
IELTS is thereby also made an important requirement for students who opt to study overseas to majority of popular destinations, like Canada, Australia, UK, USA and New Zealand. Language is clearly one key area that can and does create difficult situations, especially when applicants do not have English as their primary language and have never had exposure to international language accents.
For students who are not very fluent in the language, it can literally turn out to be a nightmare as they land in a course and university where they cannot understand the instructions and are unable to communicate with teachers and rest of the peer group. Add to that, the expenses of staying away from home along with expensive overseas education.
The IELTS test thereby gives an opportunity to all such immigrants to avert any such difficult situation and check on their language skill levels, before they select the course and university for studying abroad. Most of the international educational institutions offer Language development courses for international students, who are not very fluent with the language. The students can first take such foundation and language developments courses for specified period and then they are permitted to take admission into the course of their choice.
So, IELTS test is an objective English language assessment tool that is internationally acceptable by Government and immigration educational institutions agencies alike. It has therefore become an essential part of the Immigration visa process and for study overseas applicants. Hence, an applicant is advised to prepare well, if they wish to earn some points by scoring well in various test modules. Seeking advice from an immigration expert is a wise decision to give a direction to your IELTS preparation as well as your immigration process, in general.
همشون ۲۵ تا سوال دارن موضوعاتشونم مختلفه
(برگرفته از همین سایتی که تو لینک هست!)
این مطلب درسته با موضوع وبلاگ ربطی نداره اما اگه بخونین تا آخرش متوجه میشین چرا اینو اینجا پابلیش کردم
سارا هشت ساله بود که از صحبت پدرمادرش فهمید برادر کوچکش سخت مریض است و پولی هم برای مداوای آن ندارند.
پدر به تازگی کارش را از دست داده بود و نمیتوانست هزینهء جراحی پر خرج برادرش را بپردازد.
سارا شنید که پدر آهسته به مادر گفت فقط معجزه می تواند پسرمان را نجات دهد سارا با ناراحتی به اتاقش رفت و از زیر تخت قلک کوچکش را درآورد.
قلک را شکست. سکه ها رو رو تخت ریخت و آنها رو شمرد .فقط پنج دلار.
بعد آهسته از در عقبی خارج شد و چند کوچه رفت بالاتر به داروخانه رفت.
جلوی پیشخوان انتظار کشید تا دارساز به او توجه کند ولی داروساز سرش به مشتریان گرم بود بالاخره سارا حوصلش سر
رفت و سکه ها رو محکم رو شیشه پیشخوان ریخت.
داروساز جاخورد و گفت چه میخواهی؟
دخترک جواب داد برادرم خیلی مریضِ می خوام معجزه بخرم قیمتش چقدراست؟
دارو ساز با تعجب پرسید چی بخری عزیزم!!؟
دخترک توضیح داد برادر کوچکش چیزی در سرش رفته و بابام می گوید فقطمعجزه میتواند او را نجات دهد من هم می خواهم
معجزه بخرم قیمتش چقدر است.داروسازگفت:
متاسفم دختر جان ولی ما اینجا معجره نمی فروشیم.
چشمان دخترک پر از اشک شد و گفت شما رو به خدا برادرم خیلی مریض ِو بابام پول ندارد و این همهء پول من است. من از
کـــــجــا می توانم معجزه بخرم؟؟؟؟
مردی که گوشه ایستاده بود و لباس تمیز و مرتبی داشت از دخترک پرسید:چقدر پول داری؟
دخترک پولهارا کف دستش ریخت و به مرد نشان داد.مد لبخندی زد وگفت:
آه چه جالب!!!فکر میکنم این پول برای خرید معجزه کافی باشه.بعد به آرامی دست اورا گرفت و گفت من میخوام برادر و والدینت را ببینم فکر میکنم معجزهء برادرت پیش من باشه ان مرد دکتر آرمسترانگ فوق تخصص مغز و اعصاب در شیکاگو بود.فردای
آن روز عمل جراحی روی مغز پسرک با موفقیت انجام شد و او از مرگ نجات یافت. پس از جراحی پدر نزد دکتر رفت و گفت از شما متشکرم نجات پسرم یک معجزه واقعی بود،می خواهم بدانم بابت هزینهء عمل جراحی چقدر باید پرداخت کنم؟
دکتر لبخندی زد و گفت فقط 5 دلار.
شاد باشین
سلام دوستان عزیز
متاسفانه به خاطر فوت یکی عزیزانم مدتی بود که به وبلاگم سر نزده بودم.
به خاطر کامنت های محبت آمیز تان کمال تشکر را دارم.
به زودی با مطالب جدید بر میگردم.
سلام به خوانندگان عزیز این وبلاگ
به تازگی متوجه شدم شخصی پیدا شده که با اسم این وبلاگ در وبلاگهای دیگه نظر میگذاره و توهین میکنه. من دقیقا میدونم اون شخص بی ادب کیه.متاسفانه به جای اینکه سعی کنه خوب و صحیح به کار وبلاگ نویسی آموزشی بپردازه و با همکاران وبلاگنویسش در ارتباط باشه . وقتی میبینه همکارش در سطح بالاتری از خودشه , بازدید کننده ی زیادی داره به جای یک همکاری و رقابت سالم با اسم اون وبلاگ موفق در وبلاگهای دیگه توهین میکنه, نظرات بدی رو میگذاره اونم به اسم این وبلاگ-واقعا متاسفم برای این شخص
Q: What starts with E, ends with E and only has one
A: An envelope.
Q: If you drop a white hat into the Red Sea,
what does it become?
A: Wet.
Q: What do you call a boomerang that
won't come back?
A: A stick.
Q: What is white when it's dirty and
black when it's clean?
A: A blackboard.
Friendship is like standing on wet cement. the longer you stay, the harder it is to leave and you can never go without leaving your footprints behind.
همه دوستانی که با وبلاگ این جانب تبادل لینک کرده بودند زودتر تو قسمت نظرات آدرس وبلاگشون رو بزارن تا من لینک اونا رو بزارم .(خودتون هم لینک بزارین.)
Please read it and give your opinion. This is what Peggy Pink thinks. What about you? Do you agree with her
This world is so cruel
For the girls and the boys
For the kids and the leaves
For the winners and the losers
For the lovers and the haters
But it is somehow beautiful
When your heart beats for another heart
When you share with, all the beauties
When you create with, dreams to follow
When you talk with what you cannot say to others
When you laugh with, all the funnies
When you cry with, all the sorrows
If you put a step forward,
You will be the one.
Peggy Pink
هر کس اصل داستان های نویسنده های بزرگ و قدیمی مثل شکسپیر رو لازم داره و میخواد؛ در قسمت نظرات آدرس ایمیل خودش رو بده و نام داستان و نام نویسنده رو بگه تا من براش داستان رو ایمیل بفرستم.
1- C) to depict
2-b) could not have been conducting
3-A) in that
4- B) an advocate for children’s rights
5-D) by the teacher
6-A) neither
7-D) that beauty cannot be defined
8-A) does a( it should be: a)
9-B) cause (it should be caused)
10) To avoid (it should be: avoid)
11-B) has (it should be: it has)
12-b) as well the (it should be as well as the)
13-c) either (it should be both)
14-b) puzzling (it should be: puzzle)
دوستان عزیزی که به من ایمیل فرستاده اید ( از وبلاگ) تمام آنها به این باکس ایمیل من نمیروند همه آن ایمیل ها به فولدر بالک میروند. من به تمامی آنها جواب میدهم. نمیدانم آیا به فولدر بالک آنها میرود یا نه؟؟؟ فولدر بالک خودتان را چک کنید. شاید با آنجا برود و شما نبینید. در ضمن اگر کسی با من ایمیل فرستاده و من جواب نداده ام احتملا اشتباهی آن را دیلت کردم ببخشید!
سلام.این هم چند تا تست تافل.برای تستهایی که زیر انها خط کشیده شده
گزینه ای را که نادرست است را انتخاب کنید.جوابهای خودتون رو نگه دارین تا من دفعه بعد
که پاسخ ها را خواهم گذاشت شما با جوابهای خودتان مقایسه کنید.
1) The Impressionists were interested in how… a given subject through the feelings of the artist.
(A) depicted
(B) could they depict
(C) to depict
(D) depicting
2) Experiments verifying aspects of the theory of special relatively ... until the advent of space travel.
(A) have been conducting
(B) could not have been conducting
(C) had conducted
(D) being conducted
3) Lotteries are games of chance … a player’s chance of winning, is governed by nothing more than random luck.
(A) in that
(B) that in
(C) that
(D) in
(A) is the advocate for children’s rights
(B) an advocate for children’s rights
(C) that an advocate for children’s right
(D) the advocate for children’s right
5) The seating of students in a classroom is designed ... to minimize personality conflicts and to maximize student performance.
(A) the teacher of
(B) from the teacher
(C) the teacher and
(D) bye the teacher
6) Thanks to the use of saline water sources, desert areas can now be termed arable where once.... crops nor animals could survive.
(A) neither
(B) nor
(C) nothing but
(D) none other
7) Virtually all philosophers agree...in an objective way.
(A) beauty that are defined
(B) beauty they define
(C) defining beauty
(D) that beauty cannot be defined
8) Where does a river intersects another river, a city usually is formed.
9) How many dinosaurs initially survived the asteroid impact with the Earth, which ultimately cause the extinction of the species, is open to question.
10)Reptiles must always to avoid extremes of temperature if they are to maintain appropriate body heat.
11)An orangutan is similar to a human because has a nearly identical DNA pattern.
13)It has often been observed that love songs are a curious mixture of either the bitter and the sweet.
14) The way in which Ice Ages occur remains a puzzling, for recent meteorological records can tell us little about the process.
اول سلام.ببخشید دیگه فرصت نمیکنم به موقع آپدیت کنم.به قول علی(پژمان بازغی) در سایه آفتاب "دیگه دیگه" .
دوم اینکه کامپیوتر درست شد.مشکل رو جناب آقای داداش بزرگ حل کرد.اطلاعات از دست نرفت.خدایا شکرت.
سوم 10 تا ضرب المثل توپ براتون آماده کردم.ببینید زبان آموزان عزیز برای یادگیری اصطلاحات و ضرب المثل های انگلیسی باید اونها را حفظ کنید.به همین راحتی. حفظ کنید و در جملات خودتون اونا را به کار ببرید.
در ضمن نمیدونم در طی این یک سالی که در این وب لاگ مینویسم چقدر مفید بوده است یا نه؟ خواهش میکنم نظراتتون را بگین.رک و راست.بگین دوست دارین بیشتر در چه مواردی اموزش ببینید.چه چیزهایی را تا بحال یاد گرفتید و چه چیزهایی را یاد نگرفتید.؟ چه چیزهایی رو دوست دارید یاد بگیرید.؟ فعلا با اجازه.
Good luck.
Proverbsضرب المثل های انگلیسی√
1) It takes two to tango
Meaning: when two people work as a team, they are both responsible for the team’s successes and failures.
2) An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Meaning: eating an apple every day helps a person to stay healthy.
3) Do as I say, not as I do
Meaning: follow my advice, but don’t follow my example.
4) If you can’t beat them, join them
Meaning: if you can’t defeat your opponent, join forces with them.
5) Money does not grow on trees
Meaning: Money is not easily obtained
6) Don’t put all your Eggs in one basket
Meaning: Don’t risk losing everything at once
7) Don’t put all your Eggs in one basket
Meaning: don’t risk losing everything at once
8) No pain, No Gain
Meaning: Nothing can be accomplished without effort
9) You are never too old to learn
Meaning: a person can learn at any age
10) Practice makes perfect
Meaning: doing something many times improve one’s skill at it
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به دادم برسید که بدبخت شدم. یکی از پارتیشین های هارد دیسک کامپیوترم گم شده. هرچی فایل مهم ، برنامه نویسی و پروژه های من و دادشم بدبخت بیچاره بود اونجابود. توضیحات: ۱.مشخصات هارد: Western Digital 80GB JB 2. ضمنا از سیستم کمندر استفاده می کردم. ۳.پارتیشن گم شده ۳۰گیگابایت بود که الان در سیستم ویندوز در قسمت Disk Managment ۳۰گیگابایت خالی نشون میده ۴. فرمتش NTFS بود اما درحال حاظر نوع فایل سیستم رو خالی نشون میده. ۵. Statue= healthy( unknown partition اگه کسی چیزی میدونه یا میتونه راهنمایی کنه زود باشن که ممکن همین چندساعته سکته کنم. |