Tom: I think I left my lighter at your house.Have you seen it?
Peggy: No, but I will look.If I find it , I will give it to you.
In this example there is a real possible that Peggy will find the ligher. So she says If I find….
Debbie: If I found 1000$ on the street , I would keep it.
This is a different type of situation.
در مثال اولی Peggyبه احتمال زیاد (It is possible that …)فندک Tom را پیدا کنه.ولی در مثال دومی Debbieتصور می کنه اگر 1000$ پول پبدا کنه با اون چیکار میکنه.به این نکته توجه کنید تصور میکنه که اگه چنین چیزی برای او پیش بیاد چیکار خواهد کرد.
When we imagine a future happening like this, we use a past tence form (did/came/found,etc) after if, but the meaning is not past:
Peggy wouln’t lend me any money If I asked her.
What would you do if you won a million dollars?
We do not use would in the if part of the sentece:
I’d be very frightened if someone pointed a gun at em. (not if someone would..)
Sometimes it is possibile to to say if…would when you ask someone in a formalway.
از کسی رسمی چیزی را در خواست میکنید:
I would be very grateful if you would send me you brochure and price list as soon as possibile.
You can also use could and might:
They might be angry if I did not visit them.
If it stopped raining we could go out.
سهشنبه 19 خردادماه سال 1383 ساعت 11:59 ب.ظ