Put a cork in it
Definition: Be quiet
Could you please put a cork in it?!
Tom, put a cork in it! I can't hear what Mary is saying
Put down
Definition: criticize someone
Jack put him down and he hasn't been the same since.
Don't put me down
Put someone away
Definition: put in prison
They put him away for twenty years.
Jason was put away for life in prison
Put the finger on someone
Definition: identify someone
The victim put the finger on the criminal.
She put the finger on her boss for the crime
Put the heat / screws on someone
Definition: pressure someone to do something
He's putting the heat on me to finish the report.
Janet's really putting the screws on her husband to get a new car.
پروین جان وبلاگ شما رو دیدم خیلی برام جالب بود
من دانشجوی رشته زبان انگلیسی هستم و حقیقتا از اون خوشم اومد
حتما به وبلاگ من هم که ادرسشو برات گذاشتم سری بزن و نظر بده
موفق باشی