American Idioms
Call it a day
"Let's call it a day and go home," Teddy said. Because the person he's addressing doesn't understand the expression, it's up to me to explain that when we call it a day, we stop whatever we are doing, regardless of the time. "After twenty years as a postman, Mr Burr called it a day and retired."
Go Dutch
It takes at least two people to go Dutch for the simple reason that when we go Dutch we share the cost of something, each person paying his or her own expenses. "Hans invited Gretchen to join him for lunch. Knowing he hasn't much money, Gretchen has insisted that they go Dutch."
شما به سایت ما در وبلاگ خود لینک می دهید.
سایت ما یک سایت اموزش زبان انگلیسی هستش
منظورتون تبادل لینک است.نه؟
یعنی من به وب سایت شما لینک بدم و شما به وبلاگ من لینک بدین؟ ;):D
دوست عزیز سلام وبلاگ عالی و مفیدی داری خوشحال
می شوم اگر به وبلاگ من هم سر بزنی که درباره هواپیما و زبان انگلیسی است و اگر خواستید تبادل لینک هم می کنیم.
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