And all that jazz
This idiom means that everything related or similar is included.
Bells on
Blow your own horn
If you blow your own horn, you boast about your achievements and abilities. ('Blow your own trumpet' is an alternative form.)
Blow your own trumpet
If someone blows their own trumpet, they boast about their talents and achievements. ('Blow your own horn' is an alternative form.)
Call the tune
The person who calls the tune makes the important decisions about something.
Change your tune
If someone changes their ideas or the way they talk about them, they change their tune.
Clear as a bell
If something is as clear as a bell, it is very clear or easy to understand.
Face the music
If you have to face the music, you have to accept the negative consequences of something you have done wrong.
Fiddle while
If people are fiddling while
Fine tuning
Small adjustments to improve something or to get it working are called fine tuning.
Fit as a fiddle
If you are fit as a fiddle, you are in perfect health.
For a song
If you buy or sell something for a song, it is very cheap.
It takes two to tango
This idiom is used to suggest that when things go wrong, both sides are involved and neither side is completely innocent.
Music to my ears
If something someone says is music to your ears, it is exactly what you had wanted to hear.
Play second fiddle
If you play second fiddle, you take a subordinate role behind someone more important.
Pull out all the stops
If you pull out all the stops, you do everything you possibly can to achieve the result you want.
See you on the big drum
A good night phrase to children.
Strike a chord
If strikes a chord, it is familiar to you, reminds you of something or is connected to you somehow.
Toot you own horn
If someone toot their own horn, they like to boast about their achievements.
Whistle for it
If someone says that you can whistle for something, they are determined to ensure that you don't get it.
Whistle-stop tour
A whistle-stop tour is when someone visits a number of places quickly, not stopping for long.
Whistling in the dark
If someone is whistling in the dark, they believe in a positive result, even though everybody else is sure it will not happen.
You can't unring a bell
This means that once something has been done, you have to live with the consequences as it can't be undone.
سلام مرسی که مارو لینک کردید شما هم لینک شدید با عنوان آموزش زبان انگلیسی اگه عنوان دیگه ای مورد نظرتون است حتما اعلام کنید
راستی دونفری درس میخونیم
دونفری غدا میخوریم (البته تو مورد غدا خوردن بابا مامان هم هستند )
دونفری وبلاگ زدیم
دونفری شعر میگیم
دونفری نظر میدیم.......
عین همه دوقلو ها
پروین خانم سلام.
واقعا پشتکار شما را در به روز نگه داشتن این وبلاگ تحسین میکنم.
نمی دانم یادتان هست یا نه حدود یک سال پیش بود که وبلاگ شما را لینک کرده بودم و همان موقع هم به شما خبر داده بودم.
برایتان آرزوی موفقیت بیشتر دارم.
سید مهدی توکل (وبلاگ آموزش زبان انگلیسی)
"I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. Delicious ambiguity."
- Gilda Radner -
به وب نوشت شما پیوند دادم.
I learned alot of things here. Thanks.It more better if you active " RSS FEED".Come to me
با سلام
خیلی ممنون از نظر زیبای شما.
البته وبلاگ من که از هر نظری خیلی مونده تا به وبلاگ شما برسه.
از بازدید شما از وبلاگم هم خیلی متشکرم
باز هم مشتاق شنیدن نظرات زیبای شما هستم
وب خوبی داری
یک سری به ما بزن
یک چیزایی نوشتیم
So long
Honourable death is better an inglorious life
امام حسین(ع) می فرمایند :
من مرگ با عزت را به زندگانی با ذلت ترجیح میدهم .
به وبلاگ ضرب المثل های انگلیسی همیشه سر بزن
دوست عزیز همیشه موفق باشی
ستاد بازدید از دوستان قدیمی وبلاگ Proverb
سلام خیلی عالی بود
ببین میدونی مشکل من چیه همه چی رو بلدم میتونم استفاده کنم اما اسامی انگلیسیش رو نمیدونم مثلا S جمع رو بهش چی میگن از این جور چیزا کتابی هست که خلاصه وار این جور چیزا رو داشته باشه؟؟؟ سر میزنم بهت اگه کتابی پیدا کردی اسمش رو بنویس ممنون بای.
من لینک وبلاگ شما رو در سایتم قرار دادم
لطفا اگه میشه شما هم به سایت من لینک بدید
منتظر جوابتون هستم