Some common business English phrasal verbs that use "on".
Get on = (1) have a good relationship with someone: "She gets on well with the Accounts Director"
= (2) to progress: "How are you getting on with the launch?"
Take on = employ people: "We aren't taking on any more staff this year."
Go on = continue: "Please go on. I'd like to hear more about your plans for the new office."
Sit on = to stall or delay something: "We proposed this some time ago, but the Chairman has been sitting on the plans and we're no further forward."
Build on = use your successes to go further: "They built on their early success and soon expanded to become the biggest catering firm in the South East."
Crack on = work fast: "I'm sorry I can't stop and talk – I need to crack on with some work."
Work on = use your influence with someone: "Leave it with me – I'll work on the boss over the next fortnight."
Pick on = bully: "She feels that her colleagues are picking on her because she is so popular with management."
Decide on = choose: "What colour have you decided on for the staff canteen?"
Hold on = wait: "Please hold on and I will see if Mr Harris is available."
Pass on = give a message to someone: "I'll pass your message on to her when she returns."
Try on = test someone's authority: "Don't take any notice of his behaviour – he's just trying it on with you!"
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میشه برای آزمون تافل منو راهنمایی کنید من چه جوری و کی ثبت نام کنم چی بخونم (البته کلاس زبان رفتم زمینش و دارم
) ولی نمی دونم جه جوری باید قبول شد
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