Q: "Have you got any invisible ink?"
A: "Certainly, sir. What colour would you like?"
2.Big Ant
Q: Which ant is bigger than an elephant?
A: A gi-ant!
3-Spider on the computer
Q. What was the spider doing on the computer?
1.Invisible means that you can't see it. So, anything that is invisible has no color!
2.Both the words, elephant and giant have the same letters as the word ant! Elephants and giants are very big and ants are very small!
3.Spiders make webs, like the one you can see on the computer in the picture. The word 'web' is also used to describe the internet or World Wide Web (www).
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salam.shabeton bekheyr.
bekhatere mataleb va amozeshhai ke ro web lageton mizanid kheyli mamnon .mikhastam mano rahnamai konid ke az tarighe internet zabanamo taghviat konam .mer30
درود بر شما . کارتون عالیه
درود بر شما . کارتون عالیه
Hi my friend,how is everything?to be honest thats 7 years I studi English & Igot my Diploma and thats my pleasure to work with u,Im waiting 4 ur mail.
سلام.ممنون وبلاگ قشنگی دارد..
تعدادی از مطلبتون رو داخل سایت قرار دادم البته با ذکر منبع..
وبلاگ شما رو در وبلاگ دوستانم قرار میدم..شماهم همین کار رو بکنید..
سلام م.ماشاا.. چقدز شما اکتیو هستید از سال ۸۲تا حالا !!!!خوبه.ممنون میشم اگه برا اموزش تاینیام پست ودانلود موزیک وشعرشونم بذارید.