آخ آخ الان تو قسمت نظرات یه سوال دیدم.
ببخشید تو رو خدا اونو اصلا ندیده بودم.دوست عزیزی بنام احسان معنی جمله زیر رو به انگلیسی پرسیده بودند:
If you aren't going all the way, why go at all?"- Joe Namath
پاسخ: if you do not want to do the job(it) and finish it,why start it at all
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به دادم برسید که بدبخت شدم. یکی از پارتیشین های هارد دیسک کامپیوترم گم شده. هرچی فایل مهم ، برنامه نویسی و پروژه های من و دادشم بدبخت بیچاره بود اونجابود. توضیحات: ۱.مشخصات هارد: Western Digital 80GB JB 2. ضمنا از سیستم کمندر استفاده می کردم. ۳.پارتیشن گم شده ۳۰گیگابایت بود که الان در سیستم ویندوز در قسمت Disk Managment ۳۰گیگابایت خالی نشون میده ۴. فرمتش NTFS بود اما درحال حاظر نوع فایل سیستم رو خالی نشون میده. ۵. Statue= healthy( unknown partition اگه کسی چیزی میدونه یا میتونه راهنمایی کنه زود باشن که ممکن همین چندساعته سکته کنم. |
یه دزس کوتاه اما مفید:
-a book for children about
A text book on
- a conversation about money
A lecture on economics
We use about to talk about ordinary, more general kinds of communications.
On suggests that a book, lecture, talk etc is series or academic, suitable for specialists.
این هم چند تا اصطلاح انگلیسی
Dig oneself in جا خوش کردن
Hang fireپا در هوا
Any port in a storm لنگه کفش کهنه در بیابان نعمت است
Beg the question ماست مالی کردن
A dead cert رد خور ندارد
Free-handedدست و دلباز
Mark timeدر جا زدن
Verb + ing
Stop enjoy dislike admit consider miss
Finish mind imagine deny involve postpone
Delay suggest regret avoid practice risk
If these verbs are followed by another verb, the structure is usually verb + -ing:
☻Stop talking!
☻I’ll do the shopping when I’ve finished cleaning the apartment.
☻I don’t miss working late every night.
☻Have you ever considered going to live in another country?
☻I can’t imagine George riding a motorcycle.
☻When I’m on vacation, I enjoy not having to get up early.
The following expressions also take -ing:
Give up (=stop) keep or keep on (= do something
go on (= continue) continuously or repeatedly)
put off ( = postpone)
☻ Are you going to give up smoking?
☻ He kept (on) interrupting me while I was speaking
Note the passive form (being done / being seen / being told, etc.):
☻ I don’t mind being told what to do.
You can not normally use the infinitive (to do/to dance, etc.) after these verbs and expressions:
☻ I enjoy dancing. (Not to dance)
☻Would you mind closing the door? (Not to close)
☻Jill suggested going to the movies. (Not to go)
When you are talking about finished actions, you can also say having done/having stolen, etc.
But it is not necessary to use this form. You can also use the simple -ing form for finished actions:
☻ He admitted stealing (or having stolen) the money.
☻ They now regret getting (or having gotten) married.
With some of the verbs in this unit (especially admit, deny, regret, and suggest) you can also use a (the) … structure:
☻ He denied that he had stolen the money. (Or denied stealing)
☻ Jill suggested that we go to the movies. (Or suggested going)
آدرس: خیابان طالقانی- خیابان ارک جدید- اول کوی یوشاری- پلاک 99 - تلفن: 5546862 – 55466863
و اما ادمه درس:
Reported speech (2)
It is not always necessary to change the verb when you use reported speech. If you are reporting something and you feel that it is still true, you do not need to change the tense of the verb:
Direct Tom said, “
Reported Tom said (that)
Direct Ann said, “I want to go to
Reported Ann said (that) she wants (or wanted) to go to
Notice that it is also correct to change the verb into the past.
But you must use a past tense when there is a difference between what was said and what is really true. Study this example situation:
You met Ann. She said, “Jim is sick.” (Direct speech)
Later that day you see Jim playing tennis and looking fine. You say:
“I’m surprised to see you playing tennis, Jim. Ann said that you were sick.”
(Not that you are sick, because he isn’t sick)
Must, might, could, would, should, and ought stay the same in reported speech. May in
Direct speech normally changes to might in reported speech.
Say and tell
If you say who you are talking to, use tell:
• Tom told me (that) he didn’t like Brian. (Not Tom said me...) Otherwise use say:
• Tom said (that) he didn’t like Brian. (Not Tom told (that) he. ...) also: you can’t say “Tom told about his trip to
• Tom told us (or me/them/Ann, etc.) about his trip to
• Tom talked (or spoke) about his trip to
We also use the infinitive (to do/to stay, etc.) in reported speech, especially with tell and
Ask (for orders and requests):
“Stay in bed for a few days,” the doctor said to me.
The doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days.
“Don’t shout,” I said to Jim.
I told Jim not to shout.
“Please don’t tell anyone what happened,” she said to me.
Ann asked me not to tell anyone what (had) happened.
“Can you open the door for me, Tom?” Ann asked.
Ann asked Tom to open the door for her.
Said is also possible with the
• The doctor said to stay in bed for a few days. (But not said me)
Study this example situation:
You want to tell someone else what Tom said.
There are two ways of doing this:
You can repeat Tom’s words (direct speech)
Tom said, “I’m feeling sick.”
Or you can use reported speech:
Tom said (that) he was feeling sick.
Compare the two sentences:
Direct Tom said, “I am feeling sick.”
Reported Tom said (that) he was feeling sick.
When we use reported speech, we are usually talking about the past. So verbs usually change to the past in reported speech. For example:
Am/is —* was have/has —* had can —* could
Are — were will —+ would do/want/know —* did/wanted/knew, etc.
Study these examples you met Tom Here are some things he said to you:
My parents are very well.
I am going to quite my job.
Ann has bought a new car.
I can’t come to the party on Friday.
I want to go on vacation but I don’t know where to go.
I’m going away for a few days. I’ll call you when I get back.
Now you tell someone else what Tom said (in reported speech):
• Tom said (that) his parents were very well.
• Tom said (that) he was going to quit his job.
• Tom said (that) Ann had bought a new car.
• Tom said (that) he couldn’t come to the party on Friday.
• Tom said (that) he wanted to go on vacation, but he didn’t know where to go.
• Tom said (that) he was going, away for a few days and would call me when got back.
The simple past (I did) can usually stay the same in reported speech, or you can change it to the past perfect (I had done): did — did or had done
Direct Tom said “I woke up feeling sick and so I stayed in bed.”
Reported Tom said (that) he woke (or had woken) up feeling sick and so he stayed ( in bed.
Prefer and would rather
A) Prefer to do and prefer doing
You can use “Prefer to do” or “prefer doing “to say what you prefer in general.
I don’t like cities. I prefer to live (or I prefer living) in the country.
I prefer tea to coffee.
Tom prefer to travel rather than by train.
I prefer to live in the country rather than (live) in a city.
Use would prefer to say what want someone wants (to do) in a particular situation. You can say would prefer to (do) or would prefer (do) ing:
Would you prefer tea or coffee?
I‘d prefer to go by car. Or I‘d prefer going by car.
B) After “would rather” we use the base form:
Would you rather have tea or coffee?
I am tired. I‘d rather not to go out this evening, if you don’t mind.
I‘d rather stay at home than go to the movies.
C) Would rather someone did something
When you want someone else to do something, I’d rather you did…/ I’d rather he did…, etc. We use the past in this structure but the meaning is present or future, not past. Compare:
“Shall I stay here?” “Well, I’d rather you come with us.”
I’d rather you didn’t tell anyone what I said.
“Do you mind if I smoke?” “I’d rather you didn’t.”
Study this example situation:
The roof of bill’s house was damaged in a storm, so he arranged for a worker to repair it. Yesterday the came and did the job.
Bill had the roof repaired yesterday
این یعنی اینکه آن پسر خودش سقف خانه را تعمیر نکرده است.بلکه از شخص دیگری برای این کار در خواست کرده است. پس کس دیگری سقف را تعمیر کرده است.
This means: Bill didn’t repair the roof himself. He arranged someone else to do it for him.
Compare: Bill repaired the roof. (= he did it himself)
Bill had the roof repaired. (= he arranged for someone else to do it.)
Now study these sentences:
Did Peggy design her business cards herself or did she have them designed?
Get something done is possible instead of have something done.
I think you should get your hair cut. ( = have your hair cut)
have something done sometimes has a different meaning. For example:
he had all his money stolen while he was on vacation.
This doesn’t mean that he arranged for somebody to steal his money.! It means that: “ all his money was stolen.”
With this meaning, we use have something done to say that something happened to someone: Jack had his nose broken in a fight.(= his nose was broken.)
اول از همه از همه دوستانی که به این وب لاگ لطف دارن کمال تشکر را دارم.امیدوارم مطالبی که مینویسم برای همه مفید باشد.من تمام سعی و تلاشم را میکنم تا انگلیسی را به عنوان زبان دوم به ملتم به دوستانم به همه یاد بدم.انگلیسی مهم است.چون زبان بین المللی است واگر می خواهید در زندگیتان پیشرفت کنید نیاز به ارتباط با سایر کشور ها را داری و برای این ارتباط نیاز به یک وسیله مشترک دارید و آن زبان انگلیسی است.
Study this example situation:
Joe is always listening to music. If you speak to him normally, he can’t hear you. If you
want him to hear you, you have to shout.
Joe can’t hear unless you shout.
This means: “Joe can hear only if you shout.” Unless means except if. We use unless to make an exception to something we say. .
Here are some more examples of unless:
Don’t tell Ann what I said unless she asks you. (= except if she asks you)
I’ll come tomorrow unless I have to work. (= except if I have to work)
I wouldn’t eat between meals unless I were extremely hungry. (= except if I were extremely hungry)
We often use unless in warnings:
We’ll be late unless we hurry. (= except if we hurry)
Unless you work harder, you’re not going to pass the exam. (= except
you work harder)
Instead of unless it is possible to say if. . . not.
Don’t tell Ann what I said if she doesn’t ask you.
We’ll be late if we don’t hurry.
As long as provided (that) providing (that)
these expressions mean but only if:
You can use my car as long as (or so long as) you drive carefully. (= but only if you drive carefully)
Traveling by car is convenient provided (that) you have somewhere to park. (= but only if you have somewhere to park)
Providing (that) she studies hard, she should pass the exam. (= but only if she studies hard)
When you are talking about the future, do not use will with unless, as long as, provided or providing. Use a present tense:
We’ll be late unless we hurry. (not unless we will hurry)
Providing she studies hard. . . (not providing she will study)
یک شعر زیبا از لوییس کارل.
(To Maggie Bowman.)
WRITTEN by Maggie B Bought by me:
A present to Maggie B Sent by me:
But who can Maggie be? Answered by me:
“She is she.”
You can use the subjunctive after these verbs:
Propose recommend insist demand
• I suggest (that) you take a vacation.
• They insisted (that) we have dinner with them.
• I insisted (that) he have dinner with me.
• He demanded (that) she apologize to him.
You can use the subjunctive for the present, past, or future:
I insist you come with us.
They insist I go with them.
Other structures are possible after insist and suggest:
• They insisted on my having dinner with them.
• She suggested that he buy some new clothes. (not suggested him to buy)
• What do you suggest I do? (not suggest me to do)
Should is sometimes used instead of the subjunctive.
• She suggested that he should buy some new clothes.
• The doctor recommended that I should rest for a few days.
Study this example situation:
You are looking for Jack. Nobody knows for sure where he is, but
you get some suggestions:
He may be in his office. (= perhaps he is in his office)
He might be having lunch. (= perhaps he is having lunch)
Ask Ann.She might know.
We use may or might to say that something is possible. You can say:
He may be in his office. or He might be in his office.
The negative is may not and might not:
• Jack might not be in his office. (= perhaps he isn’t in his office)
• I’m not sure whether I can lend you any money. I may not have enough.
(= perhaps I don’t have enough)
To say what was possible in the past, we use may have (done) and might have (done):
A: I wonder why Ann didn’t answer the doorbell.
B: Well, I suppose she may have been asleep. (= perhaps she was asleep)
A: Why didn’t he say hello when he passed us on the street?
B: He might have been daydreaming. (= perhaps he was daydreaming)
A: I can’t find my hag anywhere.
B: You might have left it in the store. (= perhaps you left it)
A: I wonder why Jill didn’t come to the meeting.
B: She might not have known about it. (= perhaps she didn’t know)
You can use could instead of may or might. But with could the possibility is smaller:
• “Where’s Jack?” “I’m not sure. He could be in his office, I suppose, but he’s not usually there at this time.”
Must (have) and can’t (have)
Study this example situation:این مثال را بخوانید
Liz is a very good tennis player, and not many players beat her. But yesterday she played against Bill and Bill won. So:
Bill must be a very good player (otherwise he wouldn’t have won).
We use must to say we are sure that something is true:از must زمانی استفاده میکنیم که مطمئن هستیم چیزی صحیح است.
You’ve been traveling all day. You must be tired. (= I am sure that you are
I hear that your exams are next week. You must be studying very hard right now. (= lam sure that you are studying.)
Carol knows a lot about films. She must like to go to the movies. (= I am
sure she likes to go to the movies.)
We use can’t to say that we think something is impossible: از can’t زمانی استفاده میکنیم که فکر میکنیم چیزی غیر ممکن است.
You’ve just had dinner. You can’t be hungry already. (= It is impossible that you are hungry.)
Tom said that he would be here ten minutes ago, and he is never late, He can’t be coming.
For the past we use must have (done) and can’t have (done). Study this example:
We went to
The phone rang, but I didn’t hear it. I must have been asleep.
I made a lot of noise when I came home. You must have heard me.
She passed me on the street without speaking. She can’t have seen me.
Tom walked into the wall. He can’t have been looking where he was goit
“Couldn’t have (done)” is possible instead of “can’t have (done)”:
She couldn’t have seen me.
• He couldn’t have been looking where he was going.
The past of could (do) is could have (done). We use could have (done) to say that we had the ability or the opportunity to do something but did not do it:
از could have done زمانی استفاده میکنیم که در گذشته توانایی انجام کاری را داشتیم ولی انجام ندادیم.
• We didn’t go out last night. We could have gone to the movies, but we decided to stay home. (We had the opportunity to go out, but we didn’t.)
• Why did you stay at a hotel in New York? You could have stayed with
Linda. (You had the opportunity to stay with her but you didn’t.)
Why didn’t Tom apply for the job? He could have gotten it. (He had
ability to get it.)
We also use could have (done) to say something was a possibility but it didn’t happen:
• He was lucky when he fell off the ladder. He could have hurt himself.
Here are some examples of couldn’t have (done). I couldn’t have done something” . I wouldnt have been able to do it if I had wanted or tried to do it:
• When I went to New York last year. I decided not to stay with Linda.Later
I found out that she was away while I was there, so I couldn’t have stayed with her anyway.
• The hockey game was canceled last week.Tom couldn’t have played
anyway because he was sick.
The cat dreams of mic شتر در خواب بیند پنبه دانه
(tell) a cock and bull story قصه حسین کرد شبستری گفتن
smell fishy کاسه ای زیر نیم کاسه است
practice makes perfect کار نیکو کردن از پر کردن است
be the thin end of the wedge تخم مرغ دزد شتردزد میشود
tit for tat چیزی که عوض دارد گله ندارد
bussiness is business حساب حساب است کاکا برادر
every cloud has a silver lining در نومیدی بسی امید است
the biter bit دست بالای دست بسیار است
nothing ventured,nothing gained نابرده رنج گنج میسر نمیشود
• We have a new car.
• I have a brother and two sisters.
• Tom has a headache!/ a cold /the flu / etc.
• When she was a child, she had long blonde hair.
Have got / has got
You can use have got / has got rather than have/ has alone:
• We’ve got a new car. (= We have a new car.)
• Tom has got a headache. (= Tom has a hcadache.) ]
The question and negative forms are:
• Have you got a headache? (= do you have)
• Has she got any brothers or sisters? (= does she have)
• I haven’t got any money. (= I don’t have)
• Ann hasn’t got a car. (Ann doesn’t have)
But don’t use got for the past:
• When she was a child, she had long blonde hair. (not she had got)
(You cannot use have got in these expressions.)دقت کنید.در مثالهای زیر از Have got نمیتوانیم استفاده کنیم.
• I always have a big breakfast in the morning. (not have got)
• Did you have a good time last night?
• We’re having a party on Saturday. Would you like to come?
• What time does Ann usually have lunch?