آموزش زبان انگلیسی

آموزش زبان انگلیسی ,آموزش گرامر انگلیسی , مکالمه انگلیسی, اصطلاح , لغت , تست , سرگرمی , ضرب المثل, شعر , داستان , نکته ها ی مهم , و اخبار جالب..

آموزش زبان انگلیسی

آموزش زبان انگلیسی ,آموزش گرامر انگلیسی , مکالمه انگلیسی, اصطلاح , لغت , تست , سرگرمی , ضرب المثل, شعر , داستان , نکته ها ی مهم , و اخبار جالب..


Tips on Studying a Foreign Language

Learning another language is not easy, but most people can learn a second language IF they are willing to put in the necessary time. Here are some practical suggestions for studying effectively, overcoming anxiety, and learning the grammar and skills necessary for success in foreign language classes.

1. STUDY EVERY DAY! A foreign language course is different from any other course you take. Language learning is cumulative: you cannot put it off until the weekend. Study 1 or 2 hours for every class hour if you want an A or B.

2. DISTRIBUTE YOUR STUDY TIME in 15- to 30-minute periods throughout the day. Focus on a different task each time: vocabulary now, grammar next, etc. Get an overview during the first half hour: spend 10 minutes reviewing dialog, 10 minutes learning new vocabulary, 10 minutes learning new grammar...so you'll at least have looked at it all. Approximately 80% of your study time should be spent in recitation or practice, including practice in the language lab.

3. ATTEND AND PARTICIPATE IN EVERY CLASS--even if you are not well prepared. Class time is your best opportunity to practice. Learn the grammar and vocabulary outside of class in order to make the most of class time. Spend a few minutes "warming up" before each class by speaking or reading the language.

4. MAKE YOURSELF COMFORTABLE IN THE CLASSROOM. Get to know your classmates, so you will feel you are among friends. Visit your instructor during office hours to get acquainted: explain your goals and fears about the course to your instructor.

5. LEARN GRAMMAR IF YOU DON'T ALREADY KNOW IT. Grammar is the skeleton of a language, its basic structure: you must learn it. Review a simplified English grammar text. Compare new grammatical structures in your foreign language to their English equivalents.

6. PRACTICE FOR TESTS by doing what you will have to do on the test. If the test will require you to write, then study by writing--including spelling and accents. If you will be asked to listen, then practice listening. Ask for practice questions; make up your own test questions. Invent variations on patterns and forms. Over-learn: study beyond the point of recognition to mastery.

7. DEVELOP A GOOD ATTITUDE. Have a clear personal reason for taking the class. Set personal goals for what you want to learn. Leave perfectionism at the door; give yourself permission to make mistakes and learn from them.

8. GET HELP IF YOU NEED IT. Talk with your teacher. Form study groups among class members. Use tutoring services. Don't wait!

READING and WRITING a foreign language are analytical skills. You may be good at these if you are a logical person who attends to detail. Train yourself through practice to notice and remember details such as accents and gender agreement.


1. First, read the vocabulary list for the assignment. Next, read the questions about the reading. Then read all the way through a new passage two or three times, guessing at meaning from context. Avoid word-by-word translation. It is a waste of time!

2. Isolate new vocabulary and study it separately. DON'T write between the lines! Make flash cards. Carry them with you and recite them several times during the day at odd moments. Overlearn them until they are automatic.

3. Isolate new grammatical forms and study them separately. Write the pattern on a flash card and memorize it. Write out and label a model sentence. When you encounter the form while reading, pause and recite the pattern to recognize the form.


1. Pay attention to detail: notice accents, order of letters, etc. Compare letter-by-letter different forms (singular, plural, gender, etc.). Write out conjugations of verbs, declensions of pro-nouns, etc., and check your endings. Memorize irregular verbs.

2. To master spelling, have a friend dictate 10 words to you. Write them out and immediately have your friend spell them correctly aloud while you look carefully and point at each letter. Repeat until you get all the words right.

3. Write (in your own simple foreign vocabulary words) a story you have just read.

LISTENING and SPEAKING are performance skills. You may do well at these if you are naturally outgoing. Students in foreign language classes often have difficulty hearing and speaking because they are anxious about making mistakes. It's OK to make mistakes! Have fun trying to speak!


1. Frequent the language lab. Read the exercises in your book first; then listen and read together; then listen without looking at the print. Say aloud/write what you hear.

2. Participate silently in class when others are called on to speak. Focus on the task; don't worry about how you'll do.

3. If you feel nervous, relax yourself physically by taking a couple of slow, deep breaths. When called on, pause, relax, and give yourself time to respond.

4. Listen while a friend dictates to you and write what you hear. Check for accuracy.

5. Practice: join language clubs, watch foreign TV, listen to foreign radio.


1. Study out loud! Mimic the sounds of the language. Don't mumble. Although most people feel embarrassed making strange sounds, the language will soon feel more familiar to you.

2. When called on in class, say something, even it it's wrong: you'll learn from it. If you need a moment to think, repeat the question. If you don't know the answer, say in your foreign language, "I don't know" or "help!"

3. Practice with a foreign student who wants your help to learn English or with another class member.



پدر یکی از بازدید کننده های این وبلاگ و دوست  خوب من ساناز یه عمل قلب داره.بیاین همه باهم براش دعا کنیم. بیاین دعا کنیم همه ی بیمارها شفا پیدا کنن.همه بیمار ها خوب بشن.به امید چنین روزی.


آسمان آبی عزیز:

به من هم حق بده.من فکر میکنین بیکارم.من نظر شما رو دیده بودم. و نظرات بقیه رو. ولی یه کمی سرم شلوعه. به خاطر همین فقط چند تا طلب که از قبل آماده کرده بودم اونا را گذاشتم.


من نزدیک دانشگاه علم و صنعت جایی رو سراغ ندارم که به شما توصیه کنم.

 نظرم رو در مورد اون کتاب خواسته بودی خوب کتاب خیلی خوبیه.فقط همین رو میتونم بگم. اگه اونو خوب یاد بگیری تو امتحان آی ال تی اس شرکت کن.روی هر کتابی یعنی پشت جلد هر داستانی نوشته که این چه سطحیه.

طرز استفاده صحیح از نوار کاست( قابل توجه تمام زبان آموزان):


وقتی کتاب داستانی رو همراه با نوار کاست ان تهیه میکنید کتاب داستان را نباید باز کنیدو نباید بخوانید.اول نوار کاست آن را در دستگاه پخش خود قرار دهید. سه بار باید به آن گوش کنید. بار اول: تصر کنید به موسیقی گوش میدهید. بار دوم: این بار کمی با دقت گوش کنید.بار سوم: در عین گوش کردن سعی کنید به خاطر بیاورید در بار اول و دوم چه چیزهایی را متوجه شدید و چه چیزهایی را نه. آن مورد هایی را که نتوانسته بودید متوجه بشید سعی کنید در بار سون متوجه بشید.

و بعد از سه بار گوش فرا دادن به نوار کاست داستان مورد نظر بار چهارم کتاب را باز کرده وبخوانید. این بار هم دقت کنید چه مواردی را گوش کردن متوجه شدید و چه چیزهایی را نه. این راه به شما کمک میکند تا سطح استعداد شنوایی انگلیسی خود را دریابید.


Let’s Learn Slang

Let’s Learn Slang



To cost an arm and a leg


Meaning: to cost a lot of money



It costs an arm and a leg to buy all these Christmas presents.



To be loaded


Meaning: to be rich



He works in the city and he is loaded.



To be broke


Meaning: to be poor



She’s always broke at the end of the month.


Bread and Honey

Meaning: Money


Let's drink with him - he's got bread. [This one has enjoyed very common usage]

To be skint:

Meaning: British slang to have no money



Can you lend me some money? I’m skint.

Beans: money

Dosh: British. Money

Peanuts: Informal. Very little money
Megabucks: Plural noun a large amount of money.

Peggy Pink:
some people just don't deserve to be loved (because they don't know it's worth.)  



1 - hyphen
2 dash
3 ! exclamation mark
4 # sharp
5 & ampersand
6 · bullet
7 ( ) (round) brackets; (round) parenthesis
8 * asterisk
9 , comma
10 . 1 full stop 2 point
11 ... ellipsis points; ellipsis dots
12 / oblique; slash;
13 : colon
14 ; semi-colon
15 ? question mark
16 [ ] (square) brackets; (square) parenthesis
17 backslash
18 __ underline
19 ‘’ quotation marks; inverted commas
20 dagger

Peggy Pink writes another context

Please read it and give your opinion. This is what Peggy Pink thinks. What about you? Do you agree with her 




This world is so cruel

For the girls and the boys

For the kids and the leaves

For the winners and the losers

For the lovers and the haters

But it is somehow beautiful

When your heart beats for another heart

When you share with, all the beauties

When you create with, dreams to follow

When you talk with what you cannot say to others

When you laugh with, all the funnies

When you cry with, all the sorrows


If you put a step forward,

You will be the one.



Peggy Pink


پاسخ به سوالات

سلام دوستان خوب و یاران این وبلاگ.

قبل از اینکه به سولات پاسخ بدم باید از همتون تشکر بکنم به خاطر لطفی که به این وبلاگ دارین.میدونم این وبلاگ کم و کسری های زیادی داره ولی با این حال شما خیلی بهش لطف دارین.به خدا اگه فرصت بیشتری داشتم میتونستم وقت زیادی رو وبلاگم بزارم و کامل بنویسم. مرسی از همتون.

. میدونم تو این وبلاگ از هر چی مینوسم هی از این شاخه به اون شاخه میپرم  میدونم زیاد جلب نیس اما خب من بر حسب نیاز خواننده ها مینوسم. بعضی ها دوست دارن اصطلاح یاد بگیرن اینا کسانی هستن که سطح مقدماتی رو پشت سر گذاشتن و در سطوح بالاتری قرار دارن – بعضی ها میخوان گرامر یاد بگیرن- بعضی ها میخوان مکالمه رو خوب یاد بگیرن- چون بیشتر از من درخواست کردن اصطلاح بنویسم برا همین من هم زیاد رو اصطلاح و ضرب المثل کار میکنم.- دوستای عزیز عزیزانی که به وبلاگ من سر میزنید بهم بگین نظرات خوبتون رو. – وقتی شما نظر نمیدین من وقتی از نتایج کارم بی اطلاعم تصور میکنم که همه تلاش هایی که کرده ام همش بیهوده بوده و هیچ نتیجه مثبتی نداشته و این خیلی ناراحتم میکنه-

یه تشکر ویژه از دوست خوب سهیل. سهیل شروع خوبی کرده. کتابی رو که من گفتم تهیه کرده و میخواد انگلیسی رو خوب یاد بگیره. : سهیل مطمئنم با کمی پشتکار و تلاش خیلی زود میتونی به نتایج مثبتی  برسی.

حالا بریم سر سوالاتی که پرسیده شده:

اول آقا وحید(و ...):

لطفا دقیقا بگین چه داستانی رو براتون بفرستم.ببینین من گفتم اگه دنبال چیز خاصی میگردین بهم بگین بفرستم.اسم داستان و اسم نویسنده لازمه. اونم گفتم نویسنده های قدیمی و مشهور مثل "سر آرتور کانل دویل" یا " شکسپیر". و اینم اضافه کنم که من اصل آثار رو دارم. و مفهوم اونا سخته . چون خیلی از اونا مال قرن 19 یا بیست ه. و انگلیسی قدیمیه. شاید این سوال براتون پیش بیاید که  " خوب همه مجموعه(مثلا) شرلوک هلمز رو گرفتم و خوندم و خیلی آسون بودن.چرا میگین مفهوم اونا سخته؟" چون که اون ساده شده اند. اگه روی جلد اونا رو ببینین روشون نوشته: “ simplified”


آقا یوسف:

من به همه سه نوع کتاب معرفی میکنم که یکی از اونا رو خودم بیشتر دوست دارم و اونو به همه توصیه میکنم. ولی شما هر کدوم دوست داشتین استفاده بکنین. سی دی و کاست هم دارن.

1) New American Streamline

2) New Interchange

3) Headway

من خودم اولین گزینه رو به همه پشنهاد میکنم و خودم خیلی از این کتاب خوشم میاد.


آسمان آبی:

به روی چشم.اصطلاح ها رو زیاد میکنم. در ضمن میدونی چرا معنی اون لغت رو نمیدونی؟؟؟ فکر کنم املاش رو غلط نوشتی.

این لغت رو کجا دیدی؟؟؟؟ مطمئنی املاش درسته؟ اینی که شما نوشتی وجود نداره.

احتمال میدم یکی از این لغات باشه:

Hence: as a consequence, therefore, for this reason, from now, in the future

Hens: domestic fowls of either sex

آقا میثم:

 فکر کنم پاسخ اولی ( وحید) جوابه شما رو هم بده.


مریم :

من مترجم نیستم. و کلا از این کار خوشم نمیاد به خصوص از ترجمه داستان و شعر و نمایشنامه. چون ارزش کار نویسنده رو از بین  میبره. اگه متن شما کوتاه است و داستان و شعر و از این جور چیزا نیس و همینطور اگه یه متن تخصصی نباشه برام بفرست سعی میکنم وقت بزارم روش کار کنم.


و دوست عزیزی که اسمشون رو ننوشته اند:

اولا که شما یه غلط املایی دارین. درستش اینه: Favorite

ثانیا اینجا یه لغت است که چند تا معنی داره.

Rockers: 1) a person who performs, dances to, or enjoys rock music, belonging to a subculture characterized by leather clothing, riding motorcycles, and liking for rock music.

2) A rocking chair, chair built on two curved pieces of wood enabling it to rock back and forth.صندلی متحرک صندلی که زیر آن دو ته چوب متصل است که باعث میشود صندلی به جلو و عقب برود.

3)  a curved bar or similar support on which something such as a chair can rock-a rocking device forming part of a mechanism.

4) The amount of curvature in the longitudinal contour of a boat or surfboard.

 که من فکرکنم شماره دو معنی موردنظر باشه. ولی شما خودتون بخون این معانی رو.ببین من که نمیدونم این جمله رو کجا دیدی. این معانی رو بخون ببین کدون یکی معنی مورد نظره. به نظر من شماره دو درسته. اگه بدونی کدوم یک از معانی برا این لغت اینجا مورد نظره اونوقت میتونی کل معنی جمله رو متوجه بشی.

آقا پژمان و سرور عزیز:

دقیقا بگویید به چی نیاز دارید؟ اسم نویسنده و اسم اثر



در پاسخ به سوال امین, دوست خوبم این فقط مشکل شما نیس. خیلی از زبان آموزان دچار این مشکل میشون.

 خب راه حلش اینه که شما مطالعه زیاد بکنین.داستان های کوتاه به زبان انگلیسی بخونین. معانی لغاتی که نمیدونین از فرهنگ لغت استفاده کنین. در فرهنگ لغات برای هر لغت جمله هایی برای مثال مینوسن تا خواننده بدونه که این لغت چگونه در جمله های مختلف  چگونه  بکار برده میشه. اون جمله ها رو بخونین حفظ کنین. یه زمانی ما در مقدماتی برا اینکه لغات رو یاد بگیریم برا هر کدوم جمله درست میکردیم.امتحان کنین شاید برا شما هم کار بکنه. فقط باید زیاد مطالعه کنین اخبار , مقاله, داستان , .... اینو یادتون باشه انسان هر کاری که اراده بکنه به اون میرسه.یادگیری یه زبان خارجی و هر چیز دیگه خیلی سخته.اگه اراده کنین و پشتکار داشته باشین مطمئن باشین موفق میشین.

برا همتون آرزوی موفقیت دارم.

در ضمن یه چند روزی رو با خانواده مسافرت میرم.
دوست عزیز سیما که از من چند تا شعر کوتاه درخواست کرده بودید براتون خواستم ایمیل بفرستم ولی پیغام خطا داد.این هم چند تا شعر کوتاه


Lewis Carroll

 (To Maggie Bowman.)

WRITTEN by Maggie B Bought by me:

A present to Maggie B Sent by me:

But who can Maggie be? Answered by me:

“She is she.”


Upon the Death of Sir Albert Morton's Wife

Sir Henry Wotton (1568–1639)

He first deceased; she for a little tried

To live without him, liked it not, and died.


W. S. Merwin (1973)

Your absence has gone through me
Like thread through a needle.
Everything I do is stitched with its color

You Fit into Me

Margaret Atwood (1971)

You fit into me
Like a hook into an eye
A fish hook
An open eye


Let’s Learn Slang

All Ears

MEANING: Listening carefully; keenly attentive.


I was all ears as Svet told me this exciting story.


You listen with your ears, so if you are ‘ all ears ‘ your entire being is listening to someone speak


'Under the sun'

MEANING: This is an idiomatic way of saying ‘anywhere on earth’.

Example: This is the largest dinosaur exhibit anywhere. There’s nothing else like it under the sun."


'Call it a day'

MEANING:  A remark made when it’s time to go home or stop a certain job.  Often said at the end of a workday.  When someone leaves the office for the day, it’s common to say “Well, I guess I’ll call it a day


هر کس اصل داستان های نویسنده های بزرگ و قدیمی مثل شکسپیر رو لازم داره و میخواد؛ در قسمت نظرات آدرس ایمیل خودش رو بده و نام داستان و نام نویسنده رو بگه تا من براش داستان رو ایمیل بفرستم.


دوست عزیز علیرضا در پاسخ به سوال شما راه حل های ذیل را پیشنهاد میکنم:


1)      ثبت نام در یکی از آموزشگاه زبان انگلیسی

2)      استفاده از کتاب , سی دی, کاست

3)      استفاده از شبکه گسترده اینترنت


من همیشه به هر کس که میخواد انگلیسی یاد بیگره توصیه میکنم در یکی از آموزشگاه های معتبر محل سکونتش ثبت نام کنه.معمولا بیشتر اشخاص میگن که

فرصت و وقت این کار رو ندارن. نمیدونم الان شما در چه سطحی هستی مقدماتی؟ متوسط؟...؟ کسی که در سطح مقدماتی قرار داره من به اون شخص توصیه میکنم حتما در یکی از آموزشگاه های معتبر محل سکونتش ثبت نام کنه. ولی کسی که مقدماتی رو پشت سر گذاشته اگه اراده کنه میتونه خودش مطالعه کنه و پیشرفت کنه. مهمترین و اصلی ترین چیزی که هر شخص برای یادگیری یک زبان خارجی نیاز داره فرهنگ لغت کامل است.سخت ترین کار شروع است. دشوارترین قسمت یادگیری حروف الفبا ست. شما وقتی حروف الفبا رو یاد گرفتین دشوارترین بخش رو پشت سر میگذارین.بعد از هر امکاناتی که دسترسی دارین استفاده کنین تا هر روز یه لغت جدید یاد بگیرین یه نکته گرامری تازه یه اصطلاح جدید و .... .

مطئن باشین انسان هر کاری بخواهد میتواند انجام بدهد.

اگه فقط اراده کنین و تلاش خیلی راحت میتونین به چیزهای زیادی برسین چیزهای زیادی رو یاد بگیرین از جمله زبان شیرین انگلیسی را.

من چند تا کتاب معرفی میکنم میتونین بدون شرکت در کلاسهای زبان خودتون مطالعه کنید و هر روز شاهد پیشرفت خودتون باشید.

برای یادگیری لغت پیشنهاد میکنم داستان های کوتاه بخوانید. به هر لغت جدیدی که بر میخورید در فرهنگ لغت معنی اون را پیدا کنید و اون لغت را یاد بگیرید.

برای تمرین لغت مجموعه زیر را توصیه میکنم:

1)Elementary Vocabulary written by: BJ Thomas (New Edition)

2)      Intermediate Vocabulary written by: BJ Thomas (New Edition)

3)      Advanced Vocabulary written by: BJ Thomas (New Edition)


این هم چند تا داستا ن کوتاه برای سطوح مختلف( من خودم گاهی اوقات داستان توی وبلاگ میگذارم):

Level 1:

1)      The Elephant Man  author: Tim Vicary

2)      The Monkey’s Paw author: W.W Jacobs

3)      Under the moon author: Rowena Akinyemi

4)      The medal of Brigadier Gerard  AUTHOR: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

5)      Surfer!  Author: Paul Harvey


Level 2:

1)      The  sheep-Pig  author: Dick King-Smith

2)      The cay author: Theodore Taylor

3)       The secret agent  author: Frances Hodgson Burnett

4)      Money to Burn author: John Scott

5)      The Fox author: D.H Lawrence


Level 3:

1)      Eraser author: Robert Tine

2)      the fugitive author: J.M Dillard



1)      Far From the madding crowed author: Thomas Hardy

2)      The mosquito Coast author: Paul Theroux


Level 5:

1)      Web author: John Wyndham

2)      The old Jest author: Jennifer Johnson



1)      The edge author: Dick fancies

2)      Wuthering Heights author: Emily Bronte




هر کس اصل داستان های نویسنده های بزرگ و قدیمی مثل شکسپیر رو لازم داره و میخواد؛ در قسمت نظرات آدرس ایمیل خودش رو بده و نام داستان و نام نویسنده رو بگه تا من براش داستان رو ایمیل بفرستم.


short story

The Hare and the Tortoise


One day the Hare laughed at the short feet and slow speed of the Tortoise. The Tortoise replied:

"You may be as fast as the wind, but I will beat you in a race!"

The Hare thought this idea was impossible and he agreed to the proposal. It was agreed that the Fox should choose the course and decide the end.

The day for the race came, and the Tortoise and Hare started together.

The Tortoise never stopped for a moment, walking slowly but steadily, right to the end of the course. The Hare ran fast and stopped to lie down for a rest. But he fell fast asleep. Eventually, he woke up and ran as fast as he could. But when he reached the end, he saw the Tortoise there already, sleeping comfortably after her effort.

A funny story


A couple from Minneapolis decided to go to Florida for a long weekend to thaw out during one particularly icy cold winter. They both had jobs, and had difficulty coordinating their travel schedules. It was decided the husband would fly to Florida on a Thursday, and his wife would follow him the next day. Upon arriving as planned, the husband checked into the hotel. There he decided to open his laptop and send his wife an e-mail back in Minneapolis. However, he accidentally left off one letter in her address and sent the e-mail without noticing his error.

In the mean time:
In Houston, a widow had just returned from her husband's funeral. He was a minister of many years who had been "called home to glory" following a heart attack (died and gone to report in heaven). The widow checked her e-mail, expecting messages from family and friends. Upon reading the first message, she fainted and fell to the floor. The widow's son rushed into the room, found his mother on the floor and saw the computer screen which read:

To: My loving Wife
From: Your Departed Husband
Subject: I've arrived!

I've just arrived and have been checked in. I see that everything has been prepared for your arrival tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing you then. Hope your journey is as uneventful as mine was.

P.S. Sure is hot down here.


Learn Some New Slang


Apple of her/his eye

someone or something that one likes a lot


the little girl is the apple of her grandfather’s eye.


Bark up the wrong tree

choose the wrong course of action


He is barking up the wrong tree. He accuses me of causing the computer
problem but I was away at the time.

in sheep’s clothing

a person who pretends to be good but really is bad


Be careful of that man. He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

ُToefl tests answers‎

1- C) to depict

2-b) could not have been conducting

3-A) in that

4- B) an advocate for children’s rights

5-D) by the teacher

6-A) neither

7-D) that beauty cannot be defined

8-A) does a( it should be: a)

9-B) cause (it should be caused)

10) To avoid (it should be: avoid)

11-B) has (it should be: it has)

12-b) as well the (it should be as well as the)

13-c) either (it should be both)

14-b) puzzling (it should be: puzzle)


دوستان عزیزی که به من ایمیل فرستاده اید ( از وبلاگ)  تمام آنها به این باکس ایمیل من نمیروند همه آن ایمیل ها به فولدر بالک میروند. من به تمامی آنها جواب میدهم. نمیدانم آیا به فولدر بالک آنها میرود یا نه؟؟؟ فولدر بالک خودتان را چک کنید. شاید با آنجا برود و شما نبینید. در ضمن اگر کسی با من ایمیل فرستاده و من جواب نداده ام احتملا اشتباهی آن را دیلت کردم ببخشید!

تست تافل

سلام.این هم چند تا تست تافل.برای تستهایی که زیر انها خط کشیده شده
گزینه ای را که نادرست است را انتخاب کنید.جوابهای خودتون رو نگه دارین تا من دفعه بعد
که پاسخ ها را خواهم گذاشت شما با جوابهای خودتان مقایسه کنید.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Toefl (Test of English as a Foreign Language)

1)     The Impressionists were interested in how… a given subject through the feelings of the artist.


(A)   depicted

(B)    could they depict

(C)   to depict

(D)   depicting



2)     Experiments verifying aspects of the theory of special relatively ... until the advent of space travel.


(A)   have been conducting

(B)    could not have been conducting

(C)   had conducted

(D)   being conducted



3)     Lotteries are games of chance … a player’s chance of winning, is governed by nothing more than random luck.


(A)   in that

(B)    that in

(C)    that

(D)   in



4)     Hillary Clinton... has been a leading attorney for the past twenty years.


(A)   is the advocate for children’s rights

(B)    an advocate for children’s rights

(C)   that an advocate for children’s right

(D)   the advocate for children’s right



5)     The seating of students in a classroom is designed ... to minimize personality conflicts and to maximize student performance.


(A)   the teacher of

(B)    from the teacher

(C)   the teacher and

(D)   bye the teacher



6)     Thanks to the use of saline water sources, desert areas can now be termed arable where once.... crops nor animals could survive.


(A)   neither

(B)    nor

(C)   nothing but

(D)   none other



7)     Virtually all philosophers agree...in an objective way.


(A)   beauty that are defined

(B)    beauty they define

(C)   defining beauty

(D)   that beauty cannot be defined



8)     Where does a  river intersects another river, a city usually is formed.


9)     How many dinosaurs initially survived the asteroid impact with the Earth, which ultimately cause the extinction of the species, is open to question.


10)Reptiles must always to avoid extremes of temperature if they are to maintain appropriate body heat.


11)An orangutan is similar to a human because has a nearly identical DNA pattern.


12)Atlanta, Georgia, is a hub of air and train transport, as well the leading symbol of the new South.


13)It has often been observed that love songs are a curious mixture of   either the bitter and the sweet.


14) The way in which Ice Ages occur remains a puzzling, for recent meteorological records can tell us little about the process.



Phrase Thesaurus

Phrase Thesaurus (money) Meanings

Money makes the world go round

money is the most important thing in life, money solves every problem

Money doesn't grow on trees

to earn money you have to work hard, you can not get free money

Monkey business

dubious activities, illegal business, fooling round, silly game

Coin of the realm

type of currency used by a particular country

Blood money

compensation paid by an offender( usually a murderer) or his kin group to the kin group of the victim. In many societies Blood money functions to prevent the continuation of hostilities in the form of a feud. some customs allow the injured party the choice of punishing the murder by blood vengeance or Blood money.

A penny for your thoughts

what are you thinking about

Time is money

time is worth money, time wasted is like wasting money

The public purse

 public funds, national treasury

The penny drops

understand slowly, only comprehended after a period of time

Cost an arm and a leg

cost dearly, be very expensive

As safe as the Bank of England

safe and secure, well protected

Born with a silver spoon in his mouth

a person who will not have to try very hard in order to acquire material wealth

Dead presidents

presidents who are now deceased, paper money, cash in the form of bank notes (slang)

A sugar daddy

rich and older man who gives gifts and money to the younger woman he is wooing (informal)

A pretty penny

considerable amount of money, rather large amount of money

Money talks

money gets people's attention, money can be used to influence people

In for a penny in for a pound

there is nothing to loose, do not start something that you can't finish

Penny wise, pound foolish

capable of dealing with small things but unable to mange the large issues

Quid pro quo

one thing in exchange for another, something in return for something else

Spend money like water

waste money, squander money

Pound of flesh

A justified but disabling request

Pin money

small expenses, pocket money

Money to burn

extra money, surplus cash

Hand to mouth

having nothing to spare, precarious

Dirt cheap

extremely Inexpensive

Filthy rich

obscenely rich, so wealthy that one doesn't know what to do with the money

In the money

rich, successful, wealthy,

Hard up

poor, lacking money, under pressure, troubled

A small fortune

considerable sum of money, a lot of money

Break the bank

win everything in the fund (Roulette)

A bad penny

worthless coin

Idioms and Expressions

Put a cork in it

Definition: Be quiet

Could you please put a cork in it?!
Tom, put a cork in it! I can't hear what Mary is saying


Put down

Definition: criticize someone

Jack put him down and he hasn't been the same since.
Don't put me down

Put someone away

Definition: put in prison

They put him away for twenty years.
Jason was put away for life in prison


Put the finger on someone

Definition: identify someone

The victim put the finger on the criminal.
She put the finger on her boss for the crime

Put the heat / screws on someone

Definition: pressure someone to do something

He's putting the heat on me to finish the report.
Janet's really putting the screws on her husband to get a new car.